Media and Arts for Peace
Media and the Arts for Peace is an online, self-paced course designed and delivered in partnership with the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP). This course explores the impact of mainstream media, digital/social media, and the arts – live art, street art, music, dance, film and theatre, etc. – on peace. Participants learn how these various media have been engaged to enrich public discourse, highlight civic responsibility and social justice, and tell the stories behind every conflict – stories that can be used to either dehumanize or humanize a conflict and the people behind it.
Each chapter of the online course addresses or answers a different question about how media and arts intersect with peace and security.
- CHAPTER 1: Why Media and Arts for Peace?
- CHAPTER 2: Strategies for Peace: Creativity and Storytelling
- CHAPTER 3: Media and Arts in Conflict Prevention
- CHAPTER 4: Media and the Arts During Conflict
- CHAPTER 5: Integrating Media and Arts Post-Conflict
- CHAPTER 6: Moving Forward into the Future
As the coronavirus pandemic forces us to change the ways in which we interact with one another and as people across the United States and the world demand racial justice, today’s peacebuilders are in need of increased access to resources and tools to support them in transforming conflict. To meet that demand, the U.S. Institute of Peace is extending for now tuition-free access to its entire catalog of online courses