It is to promote peace, security and international cooperation through executive education, research and dialogue. We train government officials, diplomats, military officers, international civil servants, NGO staff and private sector executives in pertinent fields of international peace and security. Through research and publications, workshops and conferences, we also provide an internationally recognised forum for dialogue on key security and peace policy issues in the interest of effective security policy decision-making. Some of the latter activities aim to facilitate discreet dialogue in post-conflict.

We are an international foundation, with 52 member states and the Canton of Geneva, forming our Foundation Council. Initially composed of ten European countries, Russia and the Canton of Geneva, the Council successively welcomed new members from Eastern Europe, the Balkan region, North America, Africa and Asia.

The Swiss government is the principal contributor to GCSP's budget. Other Foundation Council members, partner states, and institutions also support the GCSP by seconding faculty, funding scholarships, and contributing to other aspects of the Centre's activities.

The GCSP was established in 1995 by the Swiss Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport, in cooperation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, as a Swiss contribution to NATO’s Partnership for Peace (PfP). Initially designed to fill a niche in professional training for Swiss nationals only, GCSP’s executive education programmes have been progressively opened to participants from all over the world.

The majority of GCSP courses are held at our Geneva premises, located within the Maison de la paix (House of Peace) complex, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2D, CH-1202. We do also offer a number of courses in several other locations worldwide, such as Addis Ababa, Amman, Baku, Dakar and Sarajevo amongst others. On our course overview page, you can filter our courses by location. Have a look around and find the course that suits your needs best!

The majority of GCSP courses are taught in English. A few however are conducted in French or German. Proficiency in the course teaching language is a requirement for participation. For more information, please visit each course dedicated web page.

You can apply to all GCSP courses online. If you have difficulties or questions related to the course application, we invite you to contact the course coordinator, whose contact details you will find on the web page.

The GCSP DNA is rooted in being multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary and global. Thus, having diversity in the classrooms and learning environment is paramount to the success of our courses. Therefore, we very much encourage applications from all relevant sectors and industries (governments, international organisations, civil society, private sector, academia, media, etc.) For further details on eligibility to course participation, please visit the course web page.

Punctuality and a full-time attendance are required for participation to all our courses. As to enhance the group cohesion and collective thinking in our classroom, external visitors are not allowed in our courses. It is thus not possible for course participants to bring colleagues or spouses to sessions.

Not for all, but for some of our courses participants have to undertake some preparation work. There can be pre-course readings, e-modules and presentation preparations. These requirements will be communicated to accepted participants by the course coordinator in due time.

You will find the relevant course details on each course dedicated webpage. Accepted participants to the course will receive a detailed programme and further information by the course coordinator in due time. Nevertheless, if you have any additional course specific questions, we invite you to contact the course coordinator, whose contact details you will find on the course web page.

All GCSP participants who successfully finish a course receive a certificate of completion. Furthermore, participants who successfully complete our Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security – run jointly with the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva – are awarded with 60 credits according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

Once the registration portal on the course web page is closed, you cannot register anymore. In some special cases the registration deadline might be postponed, in this case the modified date will be communicated in advance on the course web page. In general, we do not accept late applications.

For most GCSP courses casual business attire is requested. The dress code (regarding uniforms) might vary in certain courses, in this case the course coordinator will give you details on the dress code along with other practical information in due time before the beginning of the course.

You are participating in a GCSP classroom during which the host institution (the GCSP) will take photographs or offer video/audio coverage. In some cases, the GCSP may wish to use such coverage of the event for use on our website, publications, social media platforms, or corporate video promotions. Therefor the GCSP requests your authorisation to use multimedia coverage of your participation, along with your full name and affiliation, without compensation and for an unlimited period of time. If you prefer, you may also consult with the event coordinator following your event to remove any sequences which, if recorded, should be withheld from public record.

Formalities may differ depending on your nationality. A list of entry procedures for each nationality is available on the Federal Office for Migration's website here. For more information, you can also refer to the Swiss Federal Foreign Affairs Department’s dedicated web page.

It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure that she/he is in possession of all necessary visa and transit visa documents. Please note that any visa application process can take up to 8 weeks. We kindly invite you to start the process early.
GCSP will not enter into contact with any Swiss Authority regarding visa applications. Once accepted to a course and relevant fees have been paid to secure your place, the GCSP can provide you, upon request, a letter which confirms your registration to the course.

The GCSP offers a 15% discount on most fee paying courses if you apply more than 2 months prior to the start date. GCSP alumni benefit of a 20% discount. These discounts are not cumulative. A limited number of partial tuition waivers may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the GCSP. Please let us know if you would like to be considered for a partial tuition fee waiver when you apply.

A few courses can attribute a very limited number of partial scholarships. Attribution of scholarships is based on financial needs and on a competitive basis. If you desire to be considered for a scholarship, you must communicate this when you apply. Decisions are made on a case-by-case basis at the sole discretion of the GCSP.

Participants are expected to find their own accommodation in Geneva. Be aware that this can be a challenging process. We therefore recommend that you start your search as early as possible. Upon request, your course coordinator can assist you in your search by providing a list of recommended hotels. Please note that the GCSP will not enter into housing contract agreements on your behalf.

The public transport network in Geneva is called UNIRESO. It is an interconnected system of trams, buses (TPG), mouettes (yello transport boats) and trains (CFF) in the city of Geneva. The whole system can be used with the same tickets. For further information on the public transport network we invite you to visit the Unireso web page. In order to find the right connection for your journey within Geneva, you can also use the TPG Application on your smartphone, or the CFF Application, which shows public transportation connections within whole Switzerland.

Geneva attracts individuals from all around the world: students, diplomats, international lawyers and multinational enterprises, many of which have their headquarters in the Geneva area. This influences the relatively high living costs in Geneva. A single person traveling on a mid-range budget in Geneva will spend approx. 1000 CHF per week. This includes accommodation, food, local transportation and entertainment.

The course fee has to be paid as soon as possible upon registration and acceptance to the course, as your participation will only be granted once the course fee has been paid. You will receive further information on course fees and payment methods by the course coordinator once your application has been accepted.

You may pay your course fee either in Swiss Francs, US Dollars or Euros. Please click on the following link for further information related to payment methods: GCSP Payment-Information

You may pay your course fee by Paypal or Bank transfer. Please click on the following link for further information related to payment methods: GCSP Payment-Information

The course fee includes the cost of the GCSP course you applied for. Accommodation, food and transportation are not included in the course fee and have to be financed by the participants individually.

The GCSP is located in the heart of Geneva’s brand new centre of international expertise, the “Maison de la paix” (literally: “House of Peace”) Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2D, CH-1202. We are surrounded by over 35 international organisations, more than 250 non-governmental organisations, 173 diplomatic missions, representations and delegations. See how to get to the GCSP

There are currently no visitors parking at the Maison de la paix, therefor we advise you to visit us by public transportation. If you wish to come by car, the nearest public parking garage is the Sécheron Park and Ride. Car access is via Rue Kazem-Radjavi, behind the World Meteorogical Organisation. Turn right just after the JTI Headquarters and then left into the parking entrance (underneath the pedestrian bridge that crosses the railway line). Once parked, take the pedestrian exit to Avenue de la France, turn right and walk 2 minutes across the bridge to the Maison de la paix. Please note that the Chemin Eugène-Rigot is closed to all motorised vehicles.

All information related to services provided during our events, such as lunch, dinner and coffee breaks can be found on the event related web page. For further information we invite you to contact the course coordinator.

Please note that we do not provide any support and do not issue letters of invitation for our events. Participants are expected to reach the venue by their own means.

You can apply to all GCSP events online, via each event dedicated web page. If you have difficulties or questions related to the application, we invite you to contact the event coordinator, whose contact details you will find on the web page.

Our public events are for everyone. However you need to register to attend.

Some events, but not all, are held under the “Chatham House Rule”. The Chatham House Rule originated at Chatham House, the London-based research institute, with the aim of providing anonymity to speakers and to encourage openness and the sharing of information. The Chatham House Rule allows people to speak as individuals, and to express views that may not be those of their organizations. People tend to be more open in their discussions when their interventions are not for attribution.
The Chatham House Rule reads as follows:
“When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.”
GCSP participants and staff are requested to follow this Rule when an event is organized under this Rule.

You may send requests to interview our in-house or guest experts to [email protected] Interview requests will then be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

If you are participating in a GCSP public event or course during which the host institution (the GCSP) may take photographs or offer video/audio coverage. In some cases, the GCSP may wish to use such coverage of the event for use on its website, publications, social media platforms, live-stream, or corporate video promotions. The GCSP requests your authorisation to use multimedia coverage of your participation, without compensation and for an unlimited period of time.

We generally offer a range of internship opportunities within our various departments. Internships are offered to students currently enrolled in International Relations, Development, Political Sciences, Economics, International Humanitarian Law or other relevant programmes, who are eligible to work in Switzerland. Please check our employment section for such opportunities.

All vacancy announcements are published on our website, in our employment section. Check it regularly to be kept informed of the opportunities we offer.

Absolutely. We offer modern, spacious, fully equipped conference rooms available next to United Nations agencies and other major international organisations. Our conference rooms are equipped with interactive screens, computer, wifi access, and microphones. Please visit our ‘Room Rental’ page for more information. To book a conference room, please send us a request at [email protected] or call us at +41 22 730 96 00.