Around the world, countries, organizations and people are seeking to grapple with an ever-growing number of unprecedented political, security, economic, information, environmental and health challenges. The war on Ukraine grinds on, a series of military coups in Africa is seemingly becoming a “new normal”, while the war between Hamas and Israel has taken the conflict cycles of the Middle East to a different horrifying level. Globally, violent conflicts are increasingly prolonged and protracted. A range of transboundary threats are aggravating the situation, from the impact of the pandemic and climate crisis to the spread of transnational organised crime and cyber insecurities and attacks. The gap between governing elites and those governed continues to widen. While decisive action to promote peace, security, human rights and sustainable development is urgently required, the international community is increasingly fragmented, polarised and often in conflict.
To meet the challenges of today and tomorrow, the nurturing, inspiring, enabling and empowering of structures, networks, organisations and individuals committed to making a concrete, positive difference for a more peaceful world is as critical as ever. In support of Switzerland’s role on the United Nations (UN) Security Council 2023-2024, the GCSP is mandated by the Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the Department for Defence, Civil Protection and Sports (DDPS) to support the work on UN-related efforts connected to the New Agenda for Peace, the preparations for the Summit of the Future, and the implementation of the Pact for the Future, which was adopted on 22 September.
To this end, the GCSP augmented its’ work on strengthening leadership for peace and security engagements, missions and operations through 1) convening of dialogues and discussions, 2) generation of policy applicable research and advice and 3) by providing education and training.
During the past two years, a series of round table discussions and debates, seminars and conversations addressed a range of aspects pertaining to the development of a New Agenda for Peace and the preparations for the Summit of the Future. The objective has been to leverage and strengthen leadership for building peace in turbulent times, to reinforce multilateralist projects and initiatives, and to contribute to the development of and preparations for future peace and security engagements, operations and missions. Results have been fed into ongoing international policy processes and the strengthening of the GCSP overall programme of peace operations and peacebuilding work, including its courses and training deliveries.
A significant policy applicable research project led by the GCSP is an EPON study on the role, relevance, impact and lessons learned from the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) established in 1948 and currently in focus in wake of the erupted war in the Middle East. The study findings were presented at the UN International Peacekeepers Day High-Level International Seminar and Expert Symposium in New York in May 2024, co-hosted by the UN Department for Peace Operations, the Governments of Ghana, India, Norway, and Switzerland, in cooperation with the GCSP, KAIPTC, NUPI, and EPON. A GCSP Compendium on Ideas Notes 2030: Strategic Reflections on the Future of UN Policing was generated from the UN Police Division Leadership Team Retreat co-hosted by the GCSP. The compendium was launched on the occasion of the International PK Day Seminar and shared during the UN Chiefs of Police Summit convened in June 2024.
Further, GCSP offers a range of core courses and customised alternatives on a broad spectrum of peace operations and peacebuilding themes applicable to different geographical settings and organisational needs and priorities. For example, on behalf of the Swiss Federal Department for Foreign Affairs, the GCSP has hosted/will host dedicated leadership-level courses for UN political, peacebuilding and peace operations personnel: the UN Mission Advanced Staff Training; the UN Police Commanders Course; and the UN Senior Mission Leadership Course. The GCSP has / is contributing to the review of the UN PCC and the UN SML. On behalf of the Swiss DDPS, GCSP hosted the 2024 Annual Senior Officers Seminar on the Future of Peace Operations: Reflections, Options and Considerations. The project also supported the development of the Internal Review of the Office of Military Affairs of the UN Department for Peace Operations and provided a convening platform in support of the development of the Independent Study on Future Peacekeeping, New Models and Required Capabilities launched in October 2024.
Work to strengthen inclusive leadership for peace is also and specifically pursued through the International Leadership Association, where the GCSP’s Head of Peace Operations and Peacebuilding serves on the Board of Directors. In 2022, GCSP pioneered a Women Leaders for Peace Fellowship Initiative for eleven outstanding women leaders making a difference in the peace and security domain. In 2023-2024, focus lies on exploring how best to leverage inclusive leadership in support of the implementation of the emerging New Agenda for Peace in general and for future peace and security engagements, operations and missions in particular. Ms Annika Hilding Norberg, was re-elected to serve a second term on the ILA Board of Directors for the period 1 January 2025 - 31 December 2027.
The GCSP contributes to peace operations and peacebuilding development primarily in association with the following partners and mechanisms:
- Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, including the Peace and Human Rights Division Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding
- Swiss Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports and the Swiss Armed Forces, including SWISSINT
- United Nations: UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, UN Department of Peace Operations, UN Standing Police Capacity, UN University Centre for Policy Research in Geneva, UN Institute for Training and Research and UN Office at Geneva
- European Union: European Security and Defence College
- International Leadership Association
- Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and Geneva Peace Week
- Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network
- Partner Organisations - standing collaborative projects and/or regular cooperative initiatives: Cairo International Centre for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding; Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue; Crisis Management Initiative Martti Ahtisaari Foundation; Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance; Graduate Institute in Geneva; Institute for Economics and Peace, International Peace Institute, International Peace Support Training Centre in Kenya; Interpeace; Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre in Ghana; Norwegian Institute of International Affairs; Small Arms Survey; and the United Services Institution of India
- International Association of Peace Operations Training Centres and European Association of Peace Operations Training Centres
- International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations
- Leadership in International Security Course / Master in Advanced Studies in International and European Security, GCSP and University of Geneva – Leadership for Peace: Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution, 2 Weeks Module, GCSP, 13-24 January, 2025
- Amity University Uttar Pradesh, giving a Valedictorian Speech at the Amity International Model United Nations (AMIMUN 25), 19 January, 2025
- Graduate Institute Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding and Toda Peace Institute of Japan, speaking on “Taking Stock -- Moving Forward: Opportunities and Shortcomings from the Pact for the Future’s ‘International Peace and Security’ Actions”, 30-31 January, 2025
- UN Senior Mission Leadership Course, co-organised with the UN DPO, the Swiss FDFA, Kenyan International Peace Support Training Centre and British Peace Support Team-Africa, Nairobi, 17-28 February, 2025
- European Policy Centre and the US Mission to the European Union, speaking on “Women in Leadership in a World Full of Uncertainties”, Brussels, 5 December, 2024.
- United Service Institution Annual UN Forum 2024, speaking on “United Nations Peace Operations and Future Challenges”, “Advancing Women in Peace and Security - Key UN Enablers” and “Leveraging Pact of the Future & New Agenda for Peace for Future Peace Operations”, New Delhi, 25-28 November
- GCSP Innovation Day 2024 and the 2024 GCSP Prize for Innovation in Global Security, keynote speech, online, 21 November
- International Association of Peace Operations Training Centres Annual Conference 2024 and the UN Policing Day, Panel contribution on “Partnerships and Meaningful Connections in Training”, NUST, Islamabad, 3-8 November
- GCSP Alumni Networking Night (GANN) 2024, Talk contribution on “Strengthening UN Peace Missions and Operations – A GCSP Perspective”, hosted by the Swiss Embassy to Pakistan, Islamabad, 6 November
- Participation in UN Senior Mission Leadership Review Workshop, hosted by the UN Department for Peace Operations Integrated Training Service, UN Regional Service Centre, Brindisi, Italy, 12-14 November
- Geneva Peace Week 2024: What is Peace?, some 70 seminars, workshops and events co-organised with the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to Geneva and International Organizations and the UN Office in Geneva, 14-18 October
- Geneva Peace Week Panel on Implementing the Pact: Advancing New Options and Models for Future Peace Missions and Operations, Geneva, 15 October
- Visit to Nairobi with the Swiss FDFA for preparations of the UN Senior Mission Leadership Course, Partner Consultation and Projects-Development, 5-11 October
- 15th Swiss Annual Senior Officers Seminar, “Peace Operations for the Future: Trends, Options and Considerations”, in cooperation with the Swiss Armed Forces, Geneva, 25-27 September
- Participation in UN Police Commanders Course Review Workshop, Stockholm, 9-13 September
- 25th Swiss Peacebuilding Training Course, co-organised with the Swiss FDFA and the Swiss Armed Forces, Stans, Switzerland, 25 August-6 September
- Participation in the UN Chief of Police Summit 2024, “Advancing our Collective Security: UN Policing in a New Era”, UN Secretariat, New York, 26-27 June
- Global Peace Index 2024 Launch in cooperation with the Institute for Economics and Peace, GCSP, Geneva,13 June
- Contributed to “Rethinking UN Security and Peace Engagements in a Changing World Order”, organised by ETH Zürich and the Geneva Graduate Institute, 6 June
- Co-hosted the High-Level Event and Expert Symposium on Current and Future Peace and Security Challenges: The Role of United Nations Peacekeeping, including launch of UNTSO Study Report led by GCSP. The day was co-hosted by UN Department for Peace Operations, Switzerland, Ghana, India, Norway, GCSP, EPON, NUPI, United Services Institution of India, at the UN Headquarters, New York, 31 May
- New Issues in International Security – Leadership for Peace: Conflict Prevention, Management, and Resolution Course Week Module, GCSP, 21-24 May
- Contributed to “Capacity Building for the New Agenda for Peace”, Interactive Conference to mark the UNITAR Division for Peace Advisory Board Side Event, organised by the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, 19 April
- International Leadership Association Board Meeting, University of Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership, Cambridge, 18-19 March
- Co-hosted the Public Discussion and Report Launch on The Role and Impacts of Human Rights in UN Peace Operations in Practice with United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, Centre for Civilians in Conflict, EPON Network, Stockholm Peace Research Institute, GCSP, 1 March
- Co-hosted the UN Police Division Leadership Team Retreat on Strategic Reflection on the Future of UN Policing, on behalf of the UN DPO, the Swiss FDFA and in cooperation Swiss Armed Forces. Ideas Notes: 1) UN Peace Operations – The Road to 2030; 2) Preparing for UN Policing 2030 – Challenges and Opportunities Ahead; 3) Harmful Information in the Context of Peace Operations – Implications and Opportunities for UN Police; 4) Leveraging New Technologies in Support of UN Policing; and 5) Preparing for the Future: Climate Supportive UN Policing, Stans, Switzerland, 25-28 February
- Hybrid Governance in Crisis Settings: Exploring Practical Frameworks for Service Delivery Systems. A Breakfast Round Table, co-organised with United Nations Development Programme, United Nations University for Centre for Policy Research, and Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, GCSP, 9 February
- A Pact for the Future and New Agenda for Peace: Creating Opportunities for Better Collective Security, A High-Level Roundtable for the 2024 Summit of the Future, co-hosted with Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations and International Organizations in Geneva, Stimson Center, and the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, GCSP, 5 February
- Leadership in International Security Course / Master in Advanced Studies in International and European Security, GCSP and University of Geneva – Leadership for Peace: Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution, 2 Weeks Module, GCSP, 15-26 January
- Informal Geneva Civil Society Update on the Summit of the Future and related UN-Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, co-hosted with the Stimson Center, UN University Centre for Policy Research, and Global Governance Innovation Network, GCSP, 18 January
--- 2023---
- Preparing for the Future: Shedding Light on the Role of UN Military Observers – Emerging Lessons from and for United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, Round Table co-organised with the UN Department for Peace Operations (UN DPO), the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) and Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), UN Secretariat, New York, 11 December, 2023
- Geneva Peace Week Meets New York - Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future, co-organised with the Swiss FDFA and the GPP, 28-29 November, and a GCSP organised High-level Panel on The New Agenda for Peace and Preparing for the Summit – From Recommendations to Commitments, New York, 28 November 2023
- UN Police Commanders Course, co-organised with the UN DPO and the Swiss FDFA in cooperation with the Swiss Armed Forces, Stans, Switzerland, 13-24 November 2023
- Participation in International Association of Peacekeeping Training Centres Annual Conference, hosted by the International Peace Support Training Centre of Kenya and initiation of UN Senior Mission Leadership Course 2024 Co-Hosting Planning, Nairobi, 5-9 November 2023
- Participation in UN Policing Day, co-hosted by the Kenyan National Police and the United Nations DPO Police Division, Nairobi, and Preparation of UN Police Commanders Course 2023 in Switzerland, Nairobi, 4 November, 2023
- Geneva Peace Week - Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future, co-organised with the GPP and Swiss FDFA, 30 October-3 November 2023 including:
- GCSP organised High-level Panel on Building Trust, Building Peace: Preparing for the Summit – A Conversation About the Future, 1 November, 2023
- GCSP Panel Discussion on The New Agenda for Peace: Reflection on the Future of Peace and Security Engagements, 1 November, 2023
- International Leadership Association Annual Conference 2023: Cultivating Leadership for a Thriving Future, 3-4 (online) and 12-15 (Vancouver) October 2023, including a GCSP organised session on Preparing for the Summit of the Future: Cultivating Adaptive Leadership for Future Peace Missions and Operations, 14 October 2023
- GCSP Regional Security Cooperation Alumni Seminar: The Democratic Republic of the Congo at a Cross Roads: What Path Towards Sustainable Peace?, 28 September 2023
- 24th Swiss Peacebuilding Training Course, co-organised with the Swiss FDFA and the Swiss Armed Forces, Stans, Switzerland, 27 August-8 September 2023
- Geneva Security Debate, “The New Agenda for Peace: An Opportunity to Reshape Peace Operations”, GCSP, 22 August 2023
- Participation in the Swiss-Korean Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, Swiss Parliament, Bern, 5 July 2023
- Global Peace Index 2023 Geneva Launch, co-organised with the Institute of Economics and Peace, GCSP, 30 June 2023
- Making the Difference in Peace, Security and Development – Results-Based Management and Beyond, course co-organised with DCAF and Small Arms Survey, GCSP, 26-30 June 2023
- Presentation on Swiss Contribution to UN Peacekeeping, “UN Peacekeeping @ 75 Workshop” co-hosted by the ETH CSS and International Peacekeeping Journal, Zurich, 12-13 June. Contributed to publication from workshop.
- New Issues in International Security - Conflict Prevention, Management, Resolution and Sustainable Peace Course Week Module, GCSP, 6-9 June 2023
- Study Visit Middle East with EPON Project on UNTSO, including meetings with national stakeholders and UNIFIL, UNDOF, UNSCO, UNSCOL, MFO, etc., 22 May-5 June 2023
- Round Table Discussion, UNTSO Headquarters, Jerusalem, in cooperation with UNTSO, 28 May 2023
- Round Table Discussion on The New Agenda for Peace and The Future of Peace Operations – Lessons Learnt from UNTSO? in cooperation with the Cairo Centre for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding and EPON, 1 June 2023
- Participation in the 75th Anniversary of UN Peacekeeping Commemorations at UN Headquarters, Jerusalem, and at UNIFIL Headquarters, Naqoura, 29 May 2023
- Participation in Adaptive Leadership Workshop, GCSP, 16 June 2023
- Presentation at International Leadership Association Leadership for Peace Community on Adaptive Leadership for Peace Operations and Missions, Online 11 May 2023
- GCSP Public Discussion “Preparing for the Summit of the Future: What Future for Multilateralism?” and Launch of Policy Brief “The Future of Multilateralism” by Richard Gowan, UN Director, International Crisis Group, GCSP, 28 April 2023
- GCSP Strengthening UN Peace Operations and Peacebuilding Project visit to New York, 17-21 April 2023
- Results-Based Management Course UN Standing Police Capacity, co-organised with DCAF and Small Arms Survey, Brindisi, 27-31 March 2023
- Geneva Consultations on the New Agenda for Peace, co-organised with GPP and Swiss FDFA, Geneva, 16-17 March 2023
- 23rd Swiss Peacebuilding Training Course, co-organised with the Swiss FDFA and Swiss Armed Forces, Stans, Switzerland, 26 February-10 March 2023
- Briefing by the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism in cooperation with the UN University Centre for Policy Research and the GPP, Geneva, 1 March 2023
- Briefing on the New Agenda for Peace by the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, co-organised with the GPP, GCSP, 18 January 2023
- Leadership in International Security Course / Master’s in Advanced Studies in International and European Security, GCSP and University of Geneva – Prevention, Conflict Management and Sustainable Peace 2 Weeks Module, GCSP, 16-27 January 2023
--- 2022---
- International Leadership Association (ILA). In 2022, GCSP pioneered the ILA Women Leaders for Peace Fellowship Initiative. 11 outstanding women leaders contributed with 22 thought pieces and lectures delivered on:
- Global Leadership for Peace Operations and Peacebuilding 2030: How Emerging Security Risks Will Challenge Leaders
- Leadership for Peace: Finding the Third Way in a Two-Dimensional World
- Clarity Through Crisis: Developing Leaders for Peace in a VUCA World
- Leading in Complexity at the Climate-Environment-Peace Nexus
- Leadership for Peace and Emerging Technologies
- What Lessons for Leading Peace and Mediation Processes from the Experience of a Young Woman Leader Promoting Peace and Security in and for Liberia?
- Leading with a Human Rights Lens to Peacebuilding: Exploring the Intersection of Conflict Resolution and Human Rights with Neuroscience and Behavioural Insights
- Strengthening Women Leadership for Peace: What Principles of Leadership are Critical and Why?
- Enhancing Leadership for Peacebuilding – Senior-Level Peacebuilding Course, co-organised with the UN Institute for Training and Research and the Swiss FDFA, 14-18 November 2022
- Geneva Security Debate, “A Crisis in Peacekeeping? What Room for Peace Operations in the New Agenda for Peace”, GCSP, 11 November 2022
- Geneva Peace Week, “Peace is Possible”,: High-Level Panel by the GCSP on “Making Peace Possible: What’s New on the New Agenda for Peace?”, 31 October-4 November 2022
- Geneva Peace Week Round Table “Health Emergencies and the Humanitarian Sector: Lessons for Sustaining Peace in a Pandemic”, co-organised with the International Peace Institute and GPP, GCSP, 1 November 2022
- Launch of the SIPRI Environment of Peace Report in cooperation with SIPRI and GPP, GCSP, 28 October 2022
- Breakfast Briefing on Our Common Agenda and Soft Launch of the UN University Centre for Police Research in Geneva, co-organised with the GPP, GCSP, 21 October 2022
- UN Mission Advanced Staff Training Course, co-organised with the UN Department of Peace Operation, UN Department Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and the Swiss FDFA, Geneva, 10-18 October 2022
Geneva Security Debate: The New Agenda for Peace: An Opportunity to Reshape Peace Operations Global Peace Index Launch 2023
GCSP Public Discussion: Preparing for the Summit of the Future: What Future for Multilateralism?
Geneva Security Debate: A Crisis in Peacekeeping - What Role for Peace Operations in the New Agenda for Peace?
Geneva Peace Week: High-Level Panel organised by the GCSP “What's “New” on the New Agenda for Peace”
ILA-GCSP Webinar: Strengthening Women Leadership for Peace – What Principles of Leadership are Critical and Why?
GCSP Webinar: The New Normal? Imagining UN Peace Operations 2030
GCSP Course: Leadership for Peace through Conflict Analysis, Resolution and Management
ILA-GCSP Webinar: Leading at the Edge: Turning War Grief into Positive Leadership for Peace
ILA-GCSP Webinar: Adaptive Leadership for Sustaining Peace in a Turbulent, Pandemic World
GCSP Webinar: COVID-19 and its Impact on UN Peace Operations
- Summary Report of the UN International Peacekeepers Day High-Level Seminar and Expert Symposium “Preparing and Building for the Future: Pathways Towards More Nimble, Adaptive, and Effective Peacekeeping”.
- United Nations Truce Supervision Organization: Role, Relevance, Function, and Utility – Lessons for Future Peace Operations
- Ideas Notes 2030: Strategic Reflections on the Future of UN Policing
- Strengthening a Rights-Based Approach to United Nations Peace Operations
- The Future of Multilateralism
- Humanitarian-Peacekeeping Tensions in UN Missions in Africa
- The Future of Mediation in the Post-COVID World
- Revisiting the Law on UN Peace Operations’ Support to Partner Forces
- The White Paper on the Future of Environmental Peacebuilding
- GCSP Co-hosts 1st UNPOL Women Police Command Cadre Professional Development Webinar
- The OSCE and Peacekeeping: Track Record and Outlook
- International Law and Policy on the Protection of Civilians
- Multilateralism in Transition: Challenges and Opportunities for the OSCE
- Mine Action as a Confidence – and Security-Building Measure in the OSCE
- The Women, Peace and Security Agenda: A Journey Towards Inclusive Security
- Reshaping Approaches to Sustainable Peacebuilding and Development in Fragile States - Part I , Part II
- Peace and Security: with and for Youth
- Business and Private Diplomacy: A Potential Catalyst for Sustainable Peace
- Is it time for concerted action to address racial and ethnic discrimination?
- Leadership for Peace through Conflict Analysis, Resolution and Management – Pilot Virtual Course Launched in Georgia
For further information, please contact: Ms Annika Hilding Norberg, Head of Peace Operations and Peacebuilding, Geneva Centre for Security Policy: [email protected]