Leading on the Edge – Turning War Grief Into Positive Leadership for Peace
Co-hosted by The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), International Leadership Associate (ILA) and the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP). The session builds on a prior panel conversation held at the Geneva Peace Week 2020 (Thursday 5 November).
About this Event
This conversation explored leadership principles and characteristics that can transform deep war grief experienced at the personal level into proactive positive leadership for peace. An interactive panel based on case studies related to the conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Nepal respectively, discussed what leadership principles and characteristics are required to move from what in most circumstances traps individuals in a victim situation into a position of strength where the individual develops abilities and capabilities to exercise empowering leadership for peace and for the greater public good. What principled leadership priorities, characteristics and behaviours are required to lead in a pandemic and transformational world? What lessons can be learned from survivors of great tragedies that can inform and empower peace leaders across industries and across regions and conflicts?
Members of Panel
- Ms Annika Hilding Norberg, Head of Peace Operations and Peacebuilding, GCSP
- Ms Honey Al Sayed, Founder, Media and Arts for Peace Initiative; GCSP Associate Fellow
- Ms Bonnie Carroll, President & Founder at Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
- Prof Dr Mike Hardy, CMG OBE FRSA, Chair, International Leadership Association; Professor of Intercultural Relations and founding Director of the Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations, Coventry University
- Ms Lily Thapa, Lecturer, Tribhuwan University, Founder, Women for Human Rights, Nepal
This talk was recorded on November 8, 2020, at Leading at the Edge, the 22nd International Leadership Association global conference, which took place virtually. Hilding Norberg, A. (Chair). (2020, November 8). Leading on the Edge – Turning War Grief Into Positive Leadership for Peace [Panel]. Leading at the Edge, the 22nd annual global conference of the International Leadership Association, a virtual event. Register for the 2021 ILA Global Conference here: https://bit.ly/2OfSP9B
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