Imagining UN Peace Operations 2030: Adaptation, Revolutionary Reform or Something All-Together-New? New international realities are emerging. Nationalism is increasingly defining politics leading to a weakening of multilateral institutions. The socio-economic cost of dealing with the pandemic risks eroding the capacity to support multilateral interventions further. A fresh US Administration is expected to inject new dynamics, but what type of UN peace operations will be required let alone possible in the current turbulent and transformational era? Join us for a collective brainstorming session with an outstanding panel of leading practitioners and policymakers on imagining UN peace operations in 2030. What should be the purpose, framework and modalities of UN Peace Operations in 2030?
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Mr Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah

Mr Luis Carrilho

Mr Jeffrey Feltman

Major General (Ret) Robert Gordon

Mr Richard Gowan

Ms Victoria K Holt

Mr Charles Petrie