A podcast by Economics and Peace, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, IHEID Peacebuilding Initiative (Graduate Institute Geneva).
Humanity is nearing a tipping point and facing challenges unparalleled in its short history. Many of these problems are global in nature, such as climate change, increasingly scarce stock and overuse of natural resources, population growth, social discontent, deadly pandemics, as well as the proliferation of extraordinarily destructive weapons. How can we build sustainable peace and resilience so that societies are better equipped to withstand the inveitable shocks of the future?
Join Steve Killelea, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Institute for Economics & Peace, and Ambassador Thomas Greminger, Director of The Geneva Centre for Security Policy Centre, as they discuss ways to move beyond securitization and towards systemic peacebuilding. Ambassador Greminger and Mr. Killelea will be joined by Miranda Baker and Juan José Ruiz Quintero of the Peacebuilding Initiative at the Graduate Institute of Geneva, to highlight real-world examples and future possibilities for systemic approaches to peacebuilding and development.
To learn more about Positive Peace, please visit www.visionofhumanity.org
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Disclaimer: This podcast was first published by the Geneva Peace Week here. The views, information and opinions expressed in this digital product are the speakers’ own and do not necessarily reflect those shared by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy, its Foundation Council members or its employees. The GCSP is not responsible for and may not always verify the accuracy of the information contained in the digital products.
Ms Lea Perekrests

Juan José

Miranda Barker