Geneva Peace Week 2023

Geneva Peace Week 2023
The Geneva Centre for Security Policy, as a member of and in partnership with, the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform, are pleased to announce the 10th Anniversary Geneva Peace Week 2023 (GPW2023): “Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future”.
Over the past decade, progress in science, technology, and economic development have greatly benefitted peacebuilding work. Nevertheless, our world remains fragile; plagued by internal violence and armed conflicts of far-reaching geopolitical dimensions, increasing its fragmentation and polarisation. Urgent issues such as climate change and disruptive technologies add to our global complexity. Preparing for the future, and as we strive to navigate these challenges, it is crucial to restore trust and faith in our institutions and, most importantly, across countries and with each other.
Geneva Peace Week 2023 is the 10 year anniversary edition of the flagship initiative of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform in collaboration with the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), the United Nations office at Geneva (UNOG), and the Platform’s five partners – the Graduate Institute’s Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP); the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF); the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP); Interpeace; and the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva (QUNO). Geneva Peace week is also supported by Switzerland. The GCSP is a founding partner of Geneva Peace Week and serves on the Steering and Management Committees of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform.
This title of this years’ Geneva Peace Week is: Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future. The opening ceremony will take place on the 30th October, and our Director Ambassador Thomas Greminger will share his thoughts and reflections during this day.
Further, the GCSP is proud to organize two events during Geneva Peace Week 2023. On Wednesday November 1st, join the GCSP to discuss: The New Agenda for Peace – Reflections on the Future of Peace and Security Engagement, where a panel will delve into what role the UN, in partnership with other stakeholders, could most usefully play in the future and how a new spectrum of peace and security engagements could look like?
Also on Wednesday November 1st, we are pleased to announce a panel entitled: Building Trust, Building Peace: Actionable Priorities for the Summit – A Conversation About the Future. This panel of experts will look at what key priorities could and should be established in order for the Summit of the Future to deliver concrete outcomes, even amidst the current spiralling deterioration of interstate relations? What can realistically be achieved, and by whom? How can countries, organisations and people contribute to building peace in turbulent times?
Do not miss these great opportunities to reflect on peace, trust, and the future together with the GCSP.
More information about registering for the sessions can be found on the Geneva Peace Week website.