Geneva Peace Week 2019

Geneva Peace Week

Geneva Peace Week 2019

The GCSP is pleased to be co-hosting the Geneva Peace Week 2019 in cooperation with the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG), the Graduate Institute’s Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP); the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF); Interpeace; and the Quaker United Nations Office, Geneva (QUNO). Geneva Peace Week is a flagship activity of the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform and is also supported by Switzerland.

Some 30 events of the 66 that will take place during the 2019 Geneva Peace Week will be hosted at the GCSP in the Maison de la Paix. Find what topic and speakers are of your particular interest and come and engage! Main overarching thematic areas this year includes:

Global perspectives on peacebuilding. Much theory and practice of peacebuilding is rooted in the intellectual traditions and historical experiences of Euro-Atlantic societies. What are the new approaches and developments originating beyond the horizon? 

Building peace in Europe will examine the peacebuilding frontiers in Europe. What are the peacebuilding implications of ongoing and escalating political and social conflicts on the European continent?

Multilateralism in transition will explore the implications of the state-centric system as it experiences change towards more interaction with other sectors. With a focus on transnational connections and more interactive modes of working, what are the peacebuilding implications of UN reforms and on the growth of city and corporate diplomacy around peace and conflict issues, chronic urban violence and exclusion, or conflict dynamics in cyber space?

We start the journey on Monday 4 November with a full-day session on the Role and relevance, if any, of peace operations to building a more sustainable and peaceful world


GCSP co-organized events during the week includes the following: 


Live Streams

6 November (Afternoon Session)

Geneva Peace Week: Turning War Grief into Positive Peace

4 November (Afternoon Session)

Geneva Peace Week 2019 Public Discussion: Lessons Learned from the UN mission in Mali, Somalia, South Sudan, DRC and Darfur

4 November (Morning Session)

Geneva Peace Week: Lessons Learned from the OCSE Mission in Ukraine



Join us for the dialogue, debates, meetings and interactions! 
For more information about the GPW 2019