While incidents of terrorism and deaths that result from it have decreased worldwide, the lethality and sophistication of terrorism attacks have increased
Extremist activity has surged almost entirely unabated in Africa over the past decade, particularly in the Sahel region and the Horn of Africa. At the same time, far-right extremist groups are gaining ground in Europe and North America.
Multiple states are using armed non-state actors, including private military companies, for their own political objectives, which has become a worrying new trend.
Criminals worldwide have the proven ability to take over parts of cities and ports, conduct strategic cyber operations, and use crypto currencies to generate millions from both licit and illicit markets.
The world is now in a situation where post-organisational fluid violent extremism is being enabled by social media, and where extremist propaganda is being streamlined and can be accessed worldwide by the click of a mouse.
There are a growing number of social-media-induced lone-wolf violent extremist attacks worldwide, from racist attacks in the United States to religiously inspired terrorism in a wide range of countries.
More must be done to understand the technological prowess of terrorists. Simultaneously, multiple global systemic shocks such as COVID-19, climate change, and inter- and intrastate conflicts, and their dramatic sociological, psychological, and economic repercussions will continue to feed extremism worldwide.
Jeunes et PEV: Interview avec Mme Elisabeth Decrey Warner, Appel de Genève (Geneva Call)
Multilateralism and Countering Terrorism in Heavily Impacted States - A Geneva Security Debate: