3 January 2018
Syria and Global Security Project

3 January 2018
Syria and Global Security Project
The Geneva Centre for Security Policy and Omran Centre for Strategic Studies
The “Syria and Global Security” project aspires to generate substantive knowledge on the positions and expectations of each party involved in Syria, in order to assess and develop avenues for peacemaking and post-war state building. This multilateral dialogue project is co-run by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Omran Centre for Strategic Studies. The workshops associated with the project offer a platform for experts and researchers to develop a common understanding of one another’s concerns and build the mutual trust that is necessary to resolve the crisis.
Discussion Papers from September 2017 to February 2019
“Prospects of cooperation on restoring stability and institutional reform in Syria” Geneva, 21-22 September 2017
- "The emerging security dynamics and the political settlement in Syria", Syracuse, Italy, 18-19 October 2018
- Russian military police in Syria: function and prospects (EN) - Discussion Paper 1
- Russian military police in Syria: function and prospects (RU) - Discussion Paper 1
- Russian military police in Syria: function and prospects (AR) - Discussion Paper 1
- Iran in Syria: Decision-Making Actors, Interests and Priorities (EN) - Discussion Paper 2
- Iran in Syria: Decision-Making Actors, Interests and Priorities (RU) - Discussion Paper 2
- Iran in Syria: Decision-Making Actors, Interests and Priorities (AR) - Discussion Paper 2
- Isis and Nusra Funding and the Ending of the Syrian War (EN) - Discussion Paper 3
- Isis and Nusra Funding and the Ending of the Syrian War (AR) - Discussion Paper 3
- Isis and Nusra Funding and the Ending of the Syrian War (RU) - Discussion Paper 3
- Reforming the Syrian Arab Army: Russia’s vision (EN) - Discussion Paper 4
- Reforming the Syrian Arab Army: Russia’s vision (AR) - Discussion Paper 4
- “The Politics and Modalities of Reconstruction in Syria”, Geneva, Switzerland, 7-8 February 2019
- Waiting for no one: prospects and consequences of bottom-up reconstruction in Syria (EN) - Discussion Paper 5
- Waiting for no one: prospects and consequences of bottom-up reconstruction in Syria (AR) - Discussion Paper 5
- Waiting for no one: prospects and consequences of bottom-up reconstruction in Syria (RU) - Discussion Paper 5
- Turkish experience with refugees returns to Syria (EN) - Discussion Paper 6
- Turkish experience with refugees returns to Syria (AR) - Discussion Paper 6
- Turkish experience with refugees returns to Syria (RU) - Discussion Paper 6
- Russian views on refugees return and stabilization in Syria (EN) - Discussion Paper 7
- Russian and Iranian Economic Interests In Syria (Pre-2010 and intra-war period) (EN) - Discussion Paper 8
- Russian and Iranian Economic Interests In Syria (Pre-2010 and intra-war period) (RU) - Discussion Paper 8