The Impact of Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability

The Impact of Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence on Strategic Stability
An article published in the UN Special
GCSP's Dr Jean-Marc Rickli discusses artificial intelligence, human activities and future autonomous weapons systems.
“The impact of autonomy and artificial intelligence on strategic stability” by Jean-Marc Rickli, Global Risk and Resilience Cluster Leader in the Emerging Security Challenges Programme, was published in the July/August 2018 of the “UN Special” Magazine.
The article discusses artificial intelligence, human activities and future autonomous weapons systems.
Dr. Jean-Marc Rickli is the Head of Global and Emerging Risks at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) in Geneva, Switzerland. He is also a research fellow at King’s College London and a non-resident fellow in modern warfare and security at TRENDS Research and Advisory in Abu Dhabi. He is a senior advisor for the AI (Artificial Intelligence) Initiative at the Future Society at Harvard Kennedy School and an expert on autonomous weapons systems for the United Nations in the framework of the Governmental Group of Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS). He is also a member of The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and the co-chair of the NATO Partnership for Peace Consortium on Emerging Security Challenges Working Group.