The Future of Peace and War: The Geopolitical Lens

The Future of Peace and War: The Geopolitical Lens
This report is based on the discussions that were held during two high-level workshops in Geneva and New York. These workshops were conducted in the framework of the Future of Peace and War project.
Fragmentation, friction, uncertainty and hence unpredictability within many countries and between major power blocks are becoming more commonplace. Often resulting in violence or conflict, these tensions can be aggravated by climate change and competition in the field of digital technologies. Therefore, despite its difficulty, anticipation and foresight informed by science and technology are critical in the field of peace and war. Such foresight allows the anticipation of a variety of futures. On the basis of these, it becomes possible to create and implement appropriate programmes and strategies to prevent or contain conflict, and to advance the more promising approaches to peace.
Ambassador Thomas Greminger, Executive Director, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Director of SIPA’s Kent Global Leadership Program on Conflict Resolution, Columbia University
Michael Møller, Member of the Board of Directors, GESDA
Disclaimer: This publication was originally published on the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GESDA) website. The views, information and opinions expressed in this publication are the author’s/authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect those of the GCSP or the members of its Foundation Council. The GCSP is not responsible for the accuracy of the information.