Domestic Violence: A Public Security Priority

Domestic Violence: A Public Security Priority
GCSP Inclusive Security Policy Brief Series
Domestic violence (DV) has traditionally been considered a private matter, but with an estimated 30 per cent of women globally having experienced physical and/or sexual violence perpetrated by an intimate partner,1 the scale of the problem cannot be ignored.
DV extends beyond physical assault to include emotional, psychological, economic, and online abuse and is not limited by age, gender, or sexual orientation. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the frequency, severity, and complex nature of DV evolve, creating a shadow pandemic, with helplines in Singapore and Cyprus registering a 30 per cent increase in calls5 and European DV hotlines recording around 60 per cent more calls in a single month.
While the data mainly focuses on women’s experiences, men, boys and girls are also victims. It is crucial to ensure targeted, gender mainstreamed, and evidencebased responses that guarantee safe, violence-free environments for all, regardless of age or gender. [...]
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Monica is a senior researcher at the Security, Gender and Development institute and an alumnus of the University of Geneva and the GCSP Leadership in International Security Course (LISC)