Ambassador Greminger makes pledge as an International Gender Champion

Ambassador Greminger makes pledge as an International Gender Champion

Ambassador Greminger makes pledge as an International Gender Champion

"The global challenges we face demand international cooperation and creativity stemming from our diversity to build resilient societies and sustainable peace and security for all.  When women are missing from decision-making and their rights are neglected or abused, we as leaders need to question the systems and structures which have contributed to exclusion, discrimination and harm, and work to develop a more inclusive and responsive global governance system. We recognise that this starts with our mindsets and extends to a critical evaluation of all our policies and programmes, behaviours and practices."


IGC Panel ParityI support the IGC gender-based violence


Personal Commitments

Develop a new policy analysis to look ahead to the human and state security implications of closing the gender gap in the next five years through global blueprints and action, and the implications for our collective security and sustainable development if the gap continues to widen.

Begin implementation of IGC’s new GBV pledge by developing a new video for all staff and participants on the importance of safe respectful workplaces, and the behaviours and practices which facilitate an inclusive culture that enables GCSP’s diverse community to fully contribute to our mission.


Disclaimer: This article was first published by the International Gender Champions here. The views, information and opinions expressed in the written publications are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect those shared by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy or its employees. The GCSP is not responsible for and may not always verify the accuracy of the information contained in the written publications submitted by a writer.