Why a New Treaty? Challenges and Opportunities to Promote General and Complete Disarmament
Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), Maison de la paix Petal 4, 7th Floor Library Lounge
The SCRAP (Strategic Concept for Removal of Arms and Proliferation) proposal initiated by the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy (CISD) of SOAS-University of London began as a provocation to those who believed that multilateral and comprehensive disarmament, both conventional and nuclear, was impossible. It contains a draft negotiating text and an explanatory memorandum concerning the basic elements of an internationally legally binding arrangement for general and complete disarmament within a ten-year implementation period pursuant to Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).
Following the success of their events at the ATT - CSP5 and the Geneva Peace Week and in preparation of the NPT 2020 Review Conference, the GCSP, QUNO and SCRAP Weapons – University of London wish to invite you to a discussion on the challenges and opportunities to promoting a General and Complete Disarmament agenda and what steps can be taken to fill the void of Article VI of the NPT.
- Dan Plesch, SCRAP Weapons, University of London
- Marc Finaud, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
- Jenifer Mackby, Federation of American Scientists
Chair: Lidia Matias, SCRAP Weapons, Geneva Office
(Light lunch will be served before the event)