The Role of Parliamentarians to advance Disarmament in Cyber Space
The Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the World future Council (WFC) are co-organizing an webinar on the role of parliamentarians in advancing disarmament in cyber space with a focus on cyber-warfare and peace.
As our dependence on the cyberspace for the execution of critical tasks grows, so does the risks and threats that are posed by malicious online actor. Critical infrastructure, hospitals, electrical grid, banking infrastructure, communication technologies, even certain military aspects of command and control, find themselves under the heightened threat of cyberattacks.
Over the past decade the United Nations have addressed the topic under various aspects and more specifically carried efforts towards expanding the application of international law to the cyberspace, building and strengthening norms around the conduct of states online, confidence and capacity building, and provision of general indications of responsible behaviour.
The webinar will focus on the role of parliamentarians in advancing disarmament on the cyberspace Gathering parliamentarians, experts, and professional in the field of cybersecurity, technology, and international law, will help establish an inter disciplinary dialogue that will enlighten and raise awareness the audience.
The event is being organised in response to the Resolution adopted at the 132nd Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly entitled Cyber-warfare: A serious threat to Peace and Global Security, and as one of a number of events in follow-up to the launch of Assuring our Common Future: A parliamentary handbook to assist implementation of the UN Secretary-General’s Disarmament Agenda.
The main target audience for this webinar is parliamentarians and parliamentary staff. However, the webinar is also open to other participants including experts supporting the work of parliaments, international organizations, NGOs, and development practitioners and researchers.
Le rôle des parlementaires pour faire progresser le désarmement dans le cyberespace. Un événement de suivi de la publication de Assurer notre avenir commun, un manuel parlementaire sur le désarmement pour la sécurité et le développement durable. L'événement se déroulera avec traduction simultanée en français et en anglais.