Lessons Learned from the OSCE Mission in Ukraine: How can Peace Operations Help to Prevent Conflict and Contribute to Achieving the SDGs?
GCSP conference room n°1
Co-organized by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), and the Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON).
The world is changing and the nature of multilateralism and its alternatives are in transition. Most of the increase in violent conflict since 2010 and 80 percent of all humanitarian needs are associated with approximately 12 fragile and conflict-affected states. By 2030, the share of global poor living in these states are projected to reach nearly 50%. If the violent conflicts affecting these states cannot be resolved, or at least significantly reduced, we will fail to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
There are a number of instruments employed by the international community to prevent and manage conflicts, to reduce fragility and to sustain peace. Among these, a peace operation is one of the instruments that has the greatest potential to enhance the implementation of the SDGs in fragile and conflict-affected states. But do peace operations work? There is a significant discrepancy between the findings of most quantitative studies that state that peace operations do work, and the inability of specific peace operations to end violent conflict, despite being deployed in several of these states – in some cases for decades.
The objective of the global Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON) is to improve research-based knowledge on the effectiveness of specific peace operations and the impacts they are having on the conflict systems they are trying to influence. In 2019, one of the assessments that the Network is pursuing is focused on the OSCE mission in Ukraine. What are the findings?
Joins us for an interactive conversation.
Ms Annika Hilding Norberg, GCSP (Geneva)
Dr Cedric de Coning, NUPI (Oslo),
Prof Joachim Koops, Leiden University, (Leiden)
Mr Alexander Hug, former Dep Chief Monitor OSCE Mission to Ukraine ( Vienna).
Read more on Effectiveness of Peace Operations Network (EPON).
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