Land, Security and Climate: Breaking the silos to safeguard the future
Climate change, environmental degradation, food insecurity, conflict and migration can interact in negative feedback loops. Only integrated, cross-sectoral solutions can address this nexus of threats.
The Geneva Centre for Security Policy is partnering with Initiatives of Change to equip the next generation of policymakers and researchers with the understanding, skills and networks to respond to this challenge - through a pioneering series of Summer Academies on Land, Security and Climate Change as part of the annual Caux Forum
A high-level public event will inaugurate the first Summer Academy.
■ Doreen de Brum, Permanent Representative of the Marshall Islands to the United Nations; Chair of the Climate Vulnerable Forum of Nations, Geneva
■ Mukhtar Ogle, Senior Advisor, Strategic Initiatives, Executive Office of the President of Kenya, Nairobi
■ Bruno Jochum, former Director General of Médecins sans Frontières, Switzerland; Executive-in-Residence, Global Fellowship Initiative, Geneva Centre for Security Policy, Geneva
■ Professor Roger Leakey, former Director of Research at the World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi
■ Louise Helen Brown, Coordinator of the Africa Climate Change Fund, African Development Bank, Abidjan
Free event