International Leadership Association 23rd Annual Global Conference
Geneva, Switzerland (20 – 23 October) and Virtual (24 – 25 October)
Co-chaired by the GCSP, this HyFlex, in-person then online conference includes 400+ presentations and workshops, exceptional networking, plenary sessions with top leaders and thinkers, and ILA’s unique cross-sector, cross-disciplinary approach with 16 themes and specialties.
Using this special registration code – FriendsofGCSP -, GCSP associates benefit from a heavily discounted delegate rate of USD$275. (Regular registration fee is USD$680)
The GCSP is proud to co-chair this year’s International Leadership Association (ILA) global conference in Geneva and online to enable truly global participation.
When it comes to leadership in relation to complex societal issues, rethinking and redoubling efforts to ‘work together’ is the only way we will achieve meaningful progress. Only this way can we hope to achieve more peaceful and secure futures.
It was important to reflect ‘working together’ in this year’s ILA global conference theme, both in thought and in practice. We’re therefore proud to announce the theme for this year’s ILA conference, written by 7 people from different backgrounds, serving different missions: Reimagining Leadership Together.
There are many ways to participate and use this international forum as a platform to showcase ideas, convene and shape the practice of leadership to make the world a better place. We invite you to get involved.
Working together means adopting a ‘whole of society’ mindset. Relying solely on national and local government leaders to resolve this global pandemic, and its long-term consequences will not be enough. It will take balancing the protection of hard-won individual rights with the responsibilities of being accountable citizens.
This requires people thinking and acting in leader like ways at all levels of society. At home, in organisations across all sectors, throughout government ministries, multi-lateral institutions and in communities. It is entirely possible for current generations to leave a legacy that future generations will be proud of and grateful for.
Working together on complex issues that affect our lives and livelihoods requires purposeful, committed, and compassionate leadership, from people willing to stay the course under challenging circumstances in order to maintain progress on initiatives like the Sustainable Development Goals.
This year’s global conference takes what we’ve learned from past face-to-face global conferences and our 2020 live virtual global conference and puts them together into a unique HyFlex holistic model. HyFlex is not hybrid/blended. HyFlex is a consecutive in-person and then virtual event. Learn more about HyFlex Model
Plenary Speakers
Plenary sessions (Keynotes & Keynote Panels) bring together top leaders and thinkers to discuss complex leadership questions with ILA’s signature bridging of theory and practice. They challenge us to think more creatively and inspire us to reimagine leadership together. Additional plenaries plus dates and times of each will be announced soon. Please note: All plenary sessions, whether they are given in-person in Geneva or live online, will be recorded and available for registrants to view through the end of the year. For complete bios, visit ILA's plenary page.