GCSP event "What Now and What Next: Global Foresight for 2025 to 2035"
- The event will begin at 12:30 p.m., both online and in person.
- For in-person participants, an informal networking lunch will be served starting at 12:00 p.m.
- The event will be photographed, and these photos may be shared publicly on the GCSP channels following the event.
A key part of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy’s (GCSP) strategy is to look over the horizon to anticipate, explain, and prepare for future risks and challenges. Anticipation Space provides a setting at the GCSP for exchange on issues that need greater attention today, to prepare for tomorrow. As actors in peace and security we spend much of our time reacting to crisis and focussing on topics with short-time horizons. We invite you to this space to explore a range of interconnected issues that may grow in importance and enhance your anticipatory governance capabilities to manage them.
Anticipation Space at the GCSP rests on the concept of strategic foresight. That is, the need to explore multiple futures in structured and policy-orientated ways in order to be better prepared today for what is to come (for more information on GCSP's work on strategic anticipation please see here).
In this respect, the GCSP continues its mission to help people to anticipate and understand global threats & potential opportunities.
Event description
By 2035, will there have been another world war, involving a multifront conflict among great powers? By the year 2035, how capable of solving challenges core to their mission do you expect the international institutions to be as compared to today? Will any new countries obtain nuclear weapons within the next ten years?
Dr Peter Engelke, Senior Fellow, Geostrategy Initiative, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council, will lead a discussion on the Atlantic Council’s Global Foresight 2025 report. Global Foresight 2025 shares findings from a survey on how the next decade could unfold, identifies ‘snow leopards’ that could have major unexpected impacts in 2025, and presents three different scenarios for the next decade. By using multiple approaches and different inputs (global strategists, next-generation scholars, and foresight practitioners), the report provides a robust and authoritative outlook for the decade ahead.
This will be a forward-looking discussion on the Atlantic Council’s Global Foresight 2025 report and it will provide a spotlight on the themes of arms control & developments in Asia.
Welcome Remarks
- Ambassador Thomas Greminger, Executive Director, GCSP
- Dr Peter Engelke, Senior Fellow, Geostrategy Initiative, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council
- Mr Simon Cleobury, Head of Arms Control and Disarmament, GCSP
- Dr Linda Maduz, Head of Asian Affairs, GCSP
- Ms Emily Munro, Head of Strategic Anticipation and Senior Advisor, Research and Policy Advice, GCSP
This is an invitation-only event. For further information, please contact us at: [email protected]