Cyber Security Peacebuilding: A Role-Playing Exercise
In this session participants will roleplay through a major cyber incident. Participants will take on the roles of actors involved in dealing with the effects of a cyber incident targetting national infrastructure. You will work through the situation, identify perpetrators, and shape a negotiation process to respond to the incident and diffuse (or even partially resolve?) a potentially escalatory situation.
No technical knowledge is required for this exercise; the objective is to get you thinking about what you can do, and what techniques you need to employ and how to negotiate and build a peaceful settlement in a non-traditional setting.
Hosted by the Cyber Security Cluster of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and the Mediation Support Team of Center for Security Studies, ETH Zurich, this event provides participants with a unique opportunity to investigate cyber security issues from a policy and peacebuilding perspective.
Please note that your registration information will also be shared with the Geneva Peacebuilding Platform (the key Facilitator of Geneva Peace Week) for the purpose of compiling anonymous statistics on event attendance.