1st sino-european cyber dialogue?
The first meeting of the Sino-European Cyber Dialogue (SECD) convened on 31 March–1 April in Geneva, Switzerland.
Hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and supported by three European governments as well as the European External Action Service, the 1st SECD meeting was an initiative of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), the Austrian Institute for International Affairs (OIIP), and the GCSP.
Overall, thirty-eight state and non-state cyber-security experts from twelve countries took part in the dialogue. These included thirteen delegates from China and five governmental cybersecurity coordinators from different European countries. The participants had frank exchanges on a number of related topics, including the importance of international cybersecurity as the basis for economic prosperity, the role of the multistakeholder approach in the governance of the Internet, the nature of state sovereignty in cyberspace, the role of international humanitarian law in possible cyber-conflict, and the desirability of confidence building measures and norms for managing state behaviour in cyberspace.
Participants agreed that the wide-ranging discussions yielded significant breakthroughs and marked a notable push forward in Sino European cyber relations. To build on the discussion held in Geneva, a second SECD meeting is planned for Beijing in the fall of 2014.