December marked the 2019 Meeting of the States Parties to the Biological Weapons Convention in Geneva and March 2020 marked the 45th anniversary of the Biological Weapons Convention. In this episode, we discuss biological weapons and the Biological Weapons Convention with a London based expert Dr Filippa Lentzos. She is a Senior Research Fellow at King's College London and Associate Senior Research at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).

22 September 2023
Revisiting Disarmament and Arms Control: Progress or Regression? – A Geneva Security Debate
Revisiting Disarmament and Arms Control: Progress or Regression? – A Geneva Security Debate
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17 June 2021
Biden-Putin Geneva Summit - GCSP Expert Analysis and Outlook: Steps Towards Arms Control
Biden-Putin Geneva Summit - GCSP Expert Analysis and Outlook: Steps Towards Arms Control
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19 May 2021
Weapons negotiations in the midst of global conflict
Weapons negotiations in the midst of global conflict
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7 May 2021
Nuclear risk-reduction & disarmament: Is it time for no-first-use policies in the USA & globally?
Nuclear risk-reduction & disarmament: Is it time for no-first-use policies in the USA & globally?
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15 March 2021
Disarmament decisions in the time of COVID-19
Disarmament decisions in the time of COVID-19
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30 November 2020
Webinar: Gender, Bioweapons, COVID-19: Connecting the Dots
Webinar: Gender, Bioweapons, COVID-19: Connecting the Dots
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27 November 2020
Nuclear Risks and Opportunities: A Conversation with Rafael Grossi
Nuclear Risks and Opportunities: A Conversation with Rafael Grossi
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20 November 2020
25 years GCSP: Towards an Evidence-Based Arms Control and Disarmament - Conclusion
25 years GCSP: Towards an Evidence-Based Arms Control and Disarmament - Conclusion
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20 November 2020
25 years GCSP: Towards an Evidence-Based Arms Control and Disarmament - Episode 6
25 years GCSP: Towards an Evidence-Based Arms Control and Disarmament - Episode 6
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