What is current dynamics in violent extremism in the Sahel?
The UN Security Council was recently advised that the threat from Islamic State extremist groups is growing by the day in Africa, and the Sahel could become ‘the future of the Caliphate’. Violent extremism is driving political instability and making large areas in the Sahel ungovernable, with direct consequences for the wider international community in terms of security, irregular migration and organized crime. This panel will provide a unique insight into current dynamics of violent extremism in the Sahel, with experts from Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria and Niger providing first-hand evidence, and making recommendations to the international community.
- Dr Christina Schori Liang; Head of Terrorism and Preventing Violent Extremism, GCSP
- Mr Moctar Kané; GCERF Country Manager for Burkina Faso, Mali and Mauritania; and fmr African Youth Ambassador for Peace
- Mr Mamane Tassiou Amadou; GCERF National Advisor, Niger; and fmr independent consultant on projects throughout rural Niger
- Mr Youssouf Ouattara; GCERF National Advisor, Burkina Faso; and fmr Secretary-General of the Municipality of Dedougou, Burkina Faso
- Ms Yetunde Adegoke; GCERF National Advisor, Nigeria; and fmr Assistant Director for Policy and Programme Evaluation, National Planning Commission, Nigeria
- Dr Lilla Schumicky-Logan, Moderator; Deputy Executive Director and Head of Portfolio Management, GCERF; and fmr Project Coordination Specialist for UNDP, Somalia