This event was in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Geneva office.
Disarmament and arms control are key components of the global security architecture and can help to build trust between states and prevent military escalation. Yet, in many regions around the world, this very trust is steadily declining, resulting in a fragile multilateral arms control architecture. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is negatively affecting arms control and disarmament in the Euro-Atlantic and beyond.
Future efforts to maintain and strengthen multilateral arms control will have to take China into account. Without China’s constructive involvement, it will be difficult, and in some cases impossible to tackle challenges to international arms control and the international political order. China’s view on arms control and multilateral regimes is complex, guided by clear principles but also characterized by ambiguities. Thus, specificity, flexibility and willingness to engage in dialogue can enhance the chances of success of a dialogue on arms control with China.
In order to facilitate a better understanding of China’s role in multilateral arms control and disarmament policies, the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung (FES) published an analysis entitled China’s Role in Multilateral Arms Control. The report, which outlines issues areas and topics for an arms control dialogue with China, will be the starting point for our Geneva Security Debate over the principles of Chinese arms control policy. The event will be an opportunity to discuss how further engage China in multilateral disarmament and arms control.
Opening Remarks:
- Ambassador Thomas Greminger, Director, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
- Mr Hajo Lanz, Director of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Geneva Office
- Dr Oliver Meier, Policy and Research Director, European Leadership Network
- Prof Dr Michael Staack, Chair of International Relations, Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Armed Forces Hamburg.
- Dr Tong Zhao, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Event Moderator:
- Dr Linda Maduz, Programme Manager for Asia, Geneva Centre for Security Policy