Department of Mediation and Peace Support

The Mediation and Peace Support (MPS) department focuses on leading or supporting mediation processes and other peace efforts around the world, in an effort to help states, international organisations, conflict parties, or other relevant stakeholders to find peaceful alternatives to conflict.

In some cases, MPS complements or directly assists existing processes, while in others it creates new tracks and, with the tools of private diplomacy:

  • assesses the feasibility and most suitable/impactful niche for GCSP involvement
  • builds relevant networks
  • shapes dialogue processes between conflict parties (or those who can influence them)
  • facilitates discreet talks
  • helps guide the parties toward non-violent solutions, and
  • shuttles between key actors in relevant capitals to convey policy options

Through dialogue, the MPS department harnesses its diplomatic and mediation experience and thematic expertise to build trust and confidence, find areas of convergence on sensitive issues, and generate creative ideas, with a view to managing diplomatic tensions, preventing and resolving conflict, or mitigating its worst consequences.

The following efforts illustrate a part of the expanding portfolio of our dialogue activities. Other, more sensitive tracks are not mentioned in this section, including a range of assessments (on potential new openings) that are underway. 


The Bridge States Dialogue
The Bridge States Dialogue aims to explore how states that are neither in NATO/the EU nor fully aligned with other big powers can position themselves geopolitically in ways that maximise their security and economic prospects. The dialogue provides a discreet space for these “bridge states” to develop policy options that will help them to successfully navigate today’s fluid geopolitical environment.

This Track 1.5 dialogue enables representatives from these states to learn from one another’s experiences, insights, mistakes and good practices, and to unearth lessons that might contribute to a more stable and sustainable security order in Europe.

Eastern Mediterranean Initiative
The Eastern Mediterranean Initiative (EMI) is an inclusive dialogue platform for collective reflection and action that brings together experts – academic and former officials – from littoral countries of the Eastern Mediterranean region, along with third country observers. Initiated by the GCSP as a Track 2 dialogue in 2020, it contributes to fostering a conducive environment for the resolution of conflicts and the advancement of a sense of common regional interests and purpose. Among other outcomes, members of the EMI have agreed on a Framework Document that outlines the vision and goal of the initiative. The GCSP provides substantive and logistical support to the EMI and acts as its secretariat.

The High North Talks
The sharpening of geopolitical tensions, coupled with the lack of an adequate and inclusive official forum for addressing the urgent issues facing the Arctic, inspired GCSP to launch a discreet dialogue process that aims to help prevent the Arctic from becoming the next theatre of geopolitical conflict.

In the current geopolitical climate, the High North Talks is one of the few remaining venues where representatives from the countries most invested in the Arctic can meet in a discreet environment to constructively discuss the future of this region. With a focus on the most urgent problems (including accelerating militarisation and climate change), the aim is to find workable solutions and unearth mechanisms to prevent confrontation and maintain stability.

The MENA Dialogue Portfolio
MPS facilitates and engages in a variety of discreet dialogues relating to the Middle East and North Africa, both on specific geographical contexts as well as transversal themes. It brings together credible security and policy officials and experts from the region and beyond to identify common ground, distill important lessons, elaborate ideas, and produce actionable policy recommendations that are conveyed to decision-makers for consideration.

Zermatt Process on North-East Asian Security
In partnership with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), the GCSP convenes a Track 1.5 process that enables open and informal exchanges among the countries of North-East Asia, with a view to facilitating contacts among actors with few or no constructive communication channels, improving understanding, identifying ways to reconcile diverging interests, and thereby helping to enhance peace and stability.


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