Eastern Mediterranean Initiative

Doğu Akdeniz Girişimi | Πρωτοβουλία για την Ανατολική Μεσόγειο | היוזמה המזרח ים תיכונית | مبادرة شرق المتوسط


The Eastern Mediterranean Initiative (EMI) is an inclusive dialogue platform for collective reflection and action that brings together experts – academics and former officials alike – from littoral countries of the Eastern Mediterranean region, along with third country observers. Initiated by the GCSP as a track II dialogue in 2020, it intends to contribute to fostering a conducive environment for the resolution of conflicts and the advancement of a sense of common regional interests and purpose. Members of the EMI agreed on a Framework Document that outlines the vision and goal of the initiative. The GCSP provides substantive and logistical support to the EMI and acts as its secretariat.



EMI Publications


Other products

East-Med in the News – 22 December 2023 

East-Med in the News – 30 November 2023

East-Med in the News – 8 November 2023

East-Med in the News – 13 September 2023

East-Med in the News – 23 August 2023




For further information on the EMI, please contact [email protected]