Orientation Course for Defence Officials for South and South-East Asia 2020
Edition 2020 cancelled, information about the edition 2021 to be published very soon.
Now in its 4th edition in Colombo, GCSP’s orientation course for military officers, diplomats and senior officials involved in defence and diplomacy has become an internationally recognised complement to national training. Defence and diplomacy are complementary instruments in the hand of a state. Together they are part of a nation's security policy. Defence Attachés operate at the intersection of diplomacy, strategy, economics and public relations. As their roles and missions are complex and evolving, it is important for new Defence Attachés to be properly prepared to take on this function.
Participants will be selected by their Ministry of Defence or Ministry of Foreign Affairs based on the following criteria:
• potential, newly appointed or recently accredited Defence Attachés
• Diplomats working in the context of defence and diplomacy
• Senior Officials with more than five years experience, from ministries working directly or indirectly with a Defence Attaché
• availability for the entire duration of the course