New Issues in Security Course (NISC) 2020
The 21st NISC responds to the need for a better understanding of new and re-emerging security challenges arising from a rapidly globalising security environment. The course examines the evolution of security with a special focus on human security, the interlinkages between issues, and the value of adopting a more forward-looking approach in international security. The course deepens participants’ understanding of contemporary security threats in order to prepare and empower them to have greater strategic impact in building a better security environment for the future.
Open to mid-career professionals working in:
- national ministries,
- international organisations,
- non-governmental organisations and,
- civil society organisations.
Candidates must have had exposure to peace and security issues. Serving officers must have completed an advanced military staff course.
The course is offered free of tuition charges for allparticipants as part of Switzerland’s contribution tothe Partnership for Peace Programme.