Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Joe Biden
met in Geneva on 16 June 2021 for a much anticipated Summit on key geopolitical issues
As a leading centre in global security, the Geneva Centre for Security Policy as a key provider in global dialogue solutions,
offered the unique ability to enrich one's understanding around the geopolitical challenges between Russia and the US,
by providing expert insights and analysis before, during and after the Biden-Putin Summit in Geneva.

"In a world faced with a multitude of urgent complex challenges, not a day goes by without the need for global solutions on arms control, global health, climate crisis, terrorism, human rights and many other areas. That is why the Biden-Putin Summit on 16 June in Geneva is key. It provides an opportunity to resume dialogue, relaunch negotiations and achieve trust."
Our Story
The Geneva Centre for Security Policy has its roots in the Geneva Summit of 1985: the first meeting between U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev to discuss international diplomatic relations and the arms race in the midst of the Cold War.

Join us before, during and after the Summit
Insights from our experts
- International Geneva and the Biden-Putin Summit,
- Online Press Briefing: The Biden-Putin Summit in Perspective
- The Biden-Putin Summit: Perspectives for Global Politics
- The Stakes of the Biden-Putin Summit: The Perspective of Small States
- Biden-Putin Geneva Summit - GCSP Expert Analysis and Outlook
Some of our tweets
GCSP's Director @ThGreminger view on the Biden-Putin Summit 2021 #GCSPNewsroom #BidenPutinSummit #GenevaSummit2021 #Geneva2021
— GCSP (@TheGCSP) June 16, 2021
Our expert @FinaudMarc explains the important points and areas for improvement discussed during the #BidenPutinSummit on #armsproliferation. #GCSPNewsroom #GenevaSummit2021 #Geneva2021
— GCSP (@TheGCSP) June 16, 2021
Media and press clippings
- Les possibilités de paix entre Biden et Poutine,, 10 Juin 2021
- Pour la Suisse, une exposition politique mondiale à court terme,, 10 Juin 2021
- La relation bilatérale américano-russe est tendue, Léman Bleu, 11 Juin 2021
- Wie die Schweiz vom Gipfeltreffen in Genf profitieren kann – und welche Fehler sie vermeiden muss , Tagblatt, 12 Juni 2021
- Sommet Biden-Poutine : les grands dossiers abordés, RTS, 14 Juin 2021
- Des attentes limitées sur le sommet entre Biden et Poutine, La Liberté, 15 Juin 2021
- Que peut espérer la Suisse de la venue de Joe Biden? Interview de Thomas Greminger, RTS, 15 Juin 2021
- P. Vallet : «Le sommet Biden-Poutine à Genève sert à introduire d’autres rencontres», Lepetitjournal, 16 Juin 2021
- Quel impact de ce sommet sur la Genève internationale? Interview de Paul Vallet, RTS, 16 Juin 2021
- По Света и у Нас : Срещата САЩ-Русия - Очакванията от разговорите Байдън-Путин, Bulgarian National TV, 16 June 2021
- Thomas Greminger: « On est encore loin d’une normalisation entre Washington et Moscou », Le Temps, 16 June 2021
- Online Press Briefing: The Biden-Putin Summit in Perspective - 10 June 2021 - 09h15 - 10h15
- The Biden-Putin Summit: Perspectives for Global Politics - 14 June - 15h00 - 16h00