About the GCSP’s cyber security training
Cyber security is everyone’s responsibility. Our “wired” world is opening up new, exciting opportunities and complex security challenges. Successfully navigating today’s digital landscape will help us build a more secure tomorrow.
Have you faced a cyber incident? Are you and your institution ready to face the security challenges of today’s wired world?
Today, cyber security requires the tools and skills to respond to evolving threats. The online medium has created a multitude of opportunities, but we must also analyse current and potential cyber security challenges. Cyber security today is not one single problem, but a problematique - a collection of challenges, none of which can be resolved in isolation.
Our highly interactive flagship cyber security course in Geneva (and now available online) can help organizations, institutions and governments meet these modern challenges and minimise their impact. By examining social and political responses to cyber security challenges in conjunction with technical solutions, this course can equip you with the tools needed to face the cyber security problematique.
⇨ Find all our cyber security training in Geneva
About Cyber Security at the GCSP
The current level of digital connectivity has brought great advances in communication, social interaction, commercial opportunity and political engagement. With these innovations, advances and opportunities come great security challenges. Misinformation is being normalised, weapons of mass disruption are being developed and deployed, more entities are able to access tools and capabilities which rival the most advanced national security capacities. However, by meeting these security challenges the positive aspects of the wired world can be advantageous for all. The Cyber Security Cluster’s goal is to bring people together, provide training and education and conduct high-quality policy analysis in order to give you to tools to meet those security challenges and take advantage of those opportunities.
We understand that every challenge is different. We understand that every individual or organisation has different needs. Through the provision of high-calibre executive education and training the Cyber Security Cluster can equip you to meet your challenges and maximise your opportunities. Our “Meeting the Cyber Challenges” course explores the range of security issues facing the wired world – from cyber weapons to cyber sovereignty – so that you can develop creative solutions relevant to your context.
As with other courses provided by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) we place a focus on ensuring the courses provided combine the expertise and experience of technical practitioners, policy-makers and international thought leaders. In addition to our core courses, we can also provide bespoke training which can be tailored to meet your needs.
The Cyber Security Cluster is also a dialogue hub which convenes and participates in high-level discussions with international organisations and partners. The Cluster brings together cyber experts from across the public, private and civil society to examine current and future cyber challenges around the world. We facilitate track 1.5 dialogues and expert workshops tackling specific cyber issues (for example, the implementation of confidence-building measures) in the Middle East and North Africa, China and Europe and capacity building activities such as the Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge organised in collaboration with the Atlantic Council.
In addition to these activities, the Cyber Security Cluster conducts high-quality policy analysis. We contribute to national and international policy developments in cyber security. We regularly publish internal and external policy papers on issues ranging from active cyber defence to cyber security strategy formulation.
As with all the GCSP’s activities, we welcome initiatives to create spaces for more diverse perspectives to be heard. We have partnered with governments, civil society and international organisations to share knowledge and experience to advance policy, as well as elevate marginalised and excluded voices. Please contact us directly if you would like to explore opportunities to collaborate in Geneva, abroad or online.
What is the purpose of cyber security?
Answer: Cyber security is the application of processes and controls to technology with the aim of protecting systems, networks, software, hardware, programmes, devices and data from cyber-attacks. Cyber security reduces security risks to different technological infrastructures, offering protection against the exploitation of malicious actors.
Why is it important to learn about cyber security?
What is cyber security and why is it important?
Answer: Cyber security is the protection of sensitive data, online privacy and maintaining the integrity of essential computer assets. It defends and protects against all threats and cyber-attacks regardless of the type of target; whether this be an individual, group or singular computer. It is important for everyone to learn and know about cyber security so that understanding, knowledge and awareness will be increased on how to act safe, secure and responsibly online.
Why is cyber security awareness important?
Answer: One of the largest vulnerabilities in cyber security is the human element. Oftentimes it is lack of information, training and awareness that makes system more easily accessible to cyber-attacks. So, it is essential that everyone, not just cyber “specialists” receive training and knowledge data protection, information security, defence against cyber-attacks.
What skills are needed for cyber security?
Answer: Strong analytical skills and an eye for detail are essential for spotting trends in data and maintaining a strong awareness of potential or upcoming risks and cyber-attacks. Knowledge and training must be kept up-to-date on issues relating to computer privacy, confidentiality and other laws surrounding the access management and the protection of data, information and software. Finally, you must have a keen interest in technology and information security.
Is there a demand for cyber security?
Answer: Cyber security is one of the fastest growing careers across the world today. Due to the ever-growing number of crimes, cyber security professionals and specialists are in constant demand to deal to with threats and attacks to defend and protect our online and networks security. The field of cyber is ever growing and changing creating new opportunities for not only security but also for criminal actors.
What is the goal of providing cyber security awareness training?
Answer: The purpose of cyber security awareness training is to develop essential skills and knowledge, introducing everyone (not just cyber specialists) to some of the tools, techniques and methods that can be used to ensure better cyber practices across the board creating more security and protection for all online. It increases employee understanding on their responsibility to protect company systems through means of confidentiality, availability and integrity, particularly in relation to an organisations data.
How is cyber security awareness measured?
Answer: The best way to gauge employee and company competencies when it comes to dealing cyber-attacks and the implementation of effective security protections and responses is to see how they would actually react to such events should they unexpectedly occur. Here at the GCSP the way we measure this awareness is through non-technical simulations where we create a scenario that involves a suspected cyber-attack and it is the role of the attendees of the simulation to react and respond appropriately to the circumstances provided.
What is the main goal of information security awareness and training?
Answer: The purpose of information security training and awareness is to educate computer users on their responsibility towards protection, confidentiality, availability, ensuring the integrity of any data or information being used/stored. This aids in peoples understanding of their role in ensuring the security of data against potential cyber-attacks or any other challenges that may present in today's threat landscape. This training is in effort to change human behaviours mitigating risks as much as possible.
How long does it take to learn cyber security?
Answer: This differs depending on the level and type of knowledge and training trying to be achieved. Simple short training courses can be used to develop a basic understanding of cybersecurity, cyber-attacks and how these can be mitigated with simple practices. For more specialist training that will ensure you become a certified professional in the cyber field will require longer training and more in-depth awareness of the field. Typically, in Switzerland, a Bachelor’s in Cybersecurity will take up to 4 years to complete, if further study is chosen a Masters could then take 1-2 years and a PHD a further 3 years minimum.
What is cyber security awareness training?
Answer: Awareness of cyber security means that an employee or individual understands the cyber threats that could occur and what the potential impact of a cyber-attack will be on their business, computer, data etc. They will also have specialist training and understanding on the steps, tools and methods required to reduce these risks and mitigate their effects should they occur. Protection and prevention are at the forefront of this knowledge.
How do I train my employees for cyber security?
Answer: The best way to train an employee to learn best practices when it comes to cyber security risks, awareness and protections is to invest in employee training programmes. Here at the GCSP we offer a course on meeting the cyber security challenge which is specifically designed to increase knowledge and understanding on the essential elements pertaining to cyber security. We can also develop customised courses to suit your business needs, tailoring the information to the exact training and information you require employees to know and understand.
How can I subscribe or apply to the cyber security training course?
Answer: Learn more and apply for the next edition of the course here: https://www.gcsp.ch/courses/meeting-cyber-security-challenge-virtual-learning-journey-2021
Where does the cyber security course training take place?
Answer: Normally held face to face in Geneva, this year’s edition takes place virtually online using Zoom. Learn more and apply for the next edition of the course here: https://www.gcsp.ch/courses/meeting-cyber-security-challenge-virtual-learning-journey-2021
Do I get a certificate after the GCSP cyber security training course?
Answer: Yes, only upon completion of the entire course and attendance of all the modules and at the discretion of the course director. If you complete the course, you will receive the certification.
Is the certificate of the GCSP cyber security training course accredited?
Answer: Yes. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a GCSP certificate accredited by EDUQUA and ISO. The GCSP achieved ISO 9001:2015 Organisation certification in 2020, ISO 9001:2015 is an international quality label that specifies the requirements for a quality management system within an organisation. The certification is obtained following audits based on a number of quality management principles, including strong customer focus, management motivation and commitment, a process approach, and continuous improvement. Obtaining an ISO 9001:2015 certification ensures, inter alia, that GCSP customers obtain consistent, good-quality products and services. The GCSP was also first awarded EDUQUA certification in 2017. EduQua is a quality label for continuing education institutions recognised and supported by the Swiss government. Certification is awarded following an external audit that focuses on clients’ needs and satisfaction in the following areas: course portfolio, information and communication, course design and delivery, qualifications of teaching staff, quality management system, and leadership.