Mr Ye Minn Thein is an Executive-in-Residence within the Global Fellowship Initiative of the GCSP. Ye Minn Thein is a former career diplomat with years of international experience in multilateral negotiations, consultations and national implementations of UN conventions on Human Rights, Disarmament, and Transnational Organized Crimes including Combating Terrorism. During his time as the Minister Counsellor of the Permanent Mission of Myanmar to the United Nations in New York, he worked together with the global experts in First and Third Committees of the UNGA: Disarmament and International Security; Social, Humanitarian and Culture respectively. He also served as a member of the Finance Committee of the International Seabed Authority, Kingston, for budget reviews, effective use of resources as well as the growth, recommendations on financial rules and regulations of the ISA which is mandated by UNCLOS to organize, regulate and control all mineral-related activities in the international seabed area. Prior to joining GSCP as an Executive-in-Residence, Ye Minn was Vice President of Frontiir Co. Ltd, an Internet and ICT company, where he oversaw human resource management with oversight of 2400+ employees, as well as corporate operations and external relations for the company. Ye Minn holds a BA in International Relations, Master’s in Public Management from the National University of Singapore, and was a fellow at the Harvard University.
Mr Ye Minn Thein
Former Minister Counsellor of Myanmar to the United Nations in New York