Dr Siobhán Martin is Deputy Director of Executive Education and Head of Advanced Course Development. She joined the GCSP in 2006, and her primary focus is on curriculum design, course development and delivery, in addition to outreach and research activities. She is currently the Director of the 8-month Leadership in International Security Course (LISC) and Module Director for the Master of Advanced Studies in International and European Security (MAS), jointly run by the GCSP and the Global Studies Institute of the University of Geneva. She is also responsible for the development of GCSP’s Advanced Course series including the LISC, the European Security Course (ESC) and the New Issues in Security Course (NISC) as well as acting as Deputy Director of Executive Education. Siobhán has a PhD in International Relations/Political Science from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Her research interests focus on strategic intelligence, international cooperation, ethics, leadership issues, and transnational threats. She also holds a Master's Degree in International Relations as well as a Joint Bachelor's Degree in English and History from the University College Cork (UCC), Ireland. Prior to joining the GCSP, she held a number of positions in the private sector. Her native language is English, and she also speaks French.
Select Publications
“Spying in a Transparent World”, reprinted as Chapter 20 in Cyber Ethics 4.0: Serving Humanity With Values, edited by Christoph Stükelberger/Pavan Duggal, Globethics.net Global Series No. 17, 2018
“Secret Friends: Intelligence Cooperation and Counterterrorism” (with Carl Ungerer), in Intelligence and the Function of Government, edited by D. Baldino & R. Crawley, Melbourne University Publishers, 2018
“Spying in a Transparent World: Ethics and Intelligence in the 21st Century”, GCSP Geneva Paper – Research Series No. 19, November 2016