Dr Gervais Rufyikiri is an Executive-in-Residence within the Global Fellowship Initiative of the GCSP. Gervais Rufyikiri has a diversified experience both in academic research and political field. He recently occupied a high political position in the Executive as vice-president of Burundi in charge of the coordination of economic and social ministries (2010-2015). He previously served in the Legislative as President of Senate of Burundi (2005-2010). Thus, during 10 years, he contributed to build post-conflict institutions, to initiate and implement reforms aimed particularly to promote good practices of governance, political stability and economic growth. Gervais has written many scientific articles reporting his finds in the domain of soil sciences in relation to agricultural activities and pollution by radionuclides, as well as in the domain of politics. In fact, he was involved in researches in the field of agriculture for a doctoral thesis at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium (1995-2000), in the field of remediation of environments polluted by radioelements as a post-doctoral researcher at the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre in Belgium (2001-2003), and in the field of governance in Burundi as Scholar in Residence at the University of Antwerp in Belgium (2015-2016). He also lectured at universities in Burundi. Gervais was educated in Burundi and in Belgium. He holds a doctoral degree in Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering at Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium (1995-2000).
Dr Gervais Rufyikiri
Former Vice-President of Burundi