Expert Profile

Dr Anca Munteanu-Raiz
Position(s) Head of Diplomatic Tradecraft and Key Account Manager MENA region

Dr Anca Munteanu-Raiz is Head of the Diplomatic Tradecraft cluster and Key Account Manager MENA region. She has a PhD in Political science / Public administration from the University of Grenoble in co-tutorship with the University of Bucharest. Her experience lies in course design and delivery, as well as research on regime change, governance, gender and civil society networks in North Africa.
She lived in multi-cultural environments in Europe and North Africa. Prior to joining the GCSP, she worked as a researcher for the National center for scientific research (CNRS), France, and as a teaching and research assistant for the University Lyon 2, France.
She holds a bachelor and a master’s degree in Arabic language, University of Bucharest, and a master’s degree in discourse analysis from the Muhammad V University, Rabat, Morocco.
Her native language is Romanian, she speaks fluently English, French and Arabic.



  • La « sécularisation » des discours et des pratiques en contexte islamique : le cas du Parti pour la justice et le développement au Maroc. Social Compass, (2023). (co-author with Dr. Seniguer Haoues)
  • "The Party for Justice and Development’s “Specialization” in Politics: Metamorphosis and Contradictions". Middle East Law and Governance 15.1 (2022): 73-99. Web. (co-author with Dr. Seniguer Haoues)
  • « Tunisie : Ennahdha face à ses contradictions », Moyen-Orient, Oct.-Déc. 2021.
  • « Quelle place pour les militantes des partis islamistes en Tunisie et au Maroc ? », The Conversation, 04/06/2020 Quelle place pour les militantes des partis islamistes en Tunisie et au Maroc ? (
  • « Intégration politique des partis islamistes et processus de ‘spécialisation’: perspective comparée Tunisie-Maroc », L’année du Maghreb, n° 22, 2020-I, p. 131-148.

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26 March 2025