Marc Finaud's Publications


"Twenty Lies about Nuclear Weapons and How to Respond", IDN, November 2024.

"Network Reflections: What will Trump's election mean for European Security?" (with Bernard Norlain), European Leadership Network, 8 November 2024

"Vingt Mensonges sur les armes nucléaires et comment y répondre" (with B. Norlain, J.-M. Collin, A. Suzor-Weiner, & P. Zahnd), IDN, ISBN 978-2-959-626913, 76 p. October 2024

"Dissuasion nucléaire et humanité : une totale incompatibilité", Fraternité d'Abraham, October 2024 

"Biden a-t-il réorienté la stratégie nucléaire américaine vers la Chine ?", IDN, 29 August 2024

"Comparaison des guerres d'Ukraine et de Gaza : la force du droit et le droit de la force", IDN, 5 July 2024

"Comparing the Ukraine and the Gaza Wars: The Force of Law and the Law of Force", Vienna Institute for Middle East Studies (VIIMES), 22 June 2024

"Affirmer que la dissuasion nucléaire a assuré la paix ne repose sur aucun fondement scientifique", co-signed with Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Bernard Norlain, and Annick Suzor Weiner, Le Monde, 4 March 2024

"Pourquoi la Suisse ne peut plus ignorer le Traité sur l'interdiction des armes nucléaires", Stratos, Schweizer Armee, 7 November 2023

"Que faut-il penser du film 'Oppenheimer' de Christopher Nolan ?", IDN, 4 September 2023

"A Comprehensive Review of the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT)", Paper presented to the side event "Challenges to the Implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty, 10 Years on" organised by Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights at the 9th Conference of States Parties of the ATT, 30 August 2023

"Armes nucléaires russes en Biélorussie : une dangereuse escalade dans le risque nucléaire", IDN, 14 August 2023

"Abolition 2000 NWC Reset: Frameworks for a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World", Working Paper for the 2023 Preparatory Meeting for the 11th NPT Review Conference, with Alyn Ware et al., July 2023

"Zounia Finaud : du Niémen à la Méditerranée ou Le bouleau de Sudvajai", Kindle Publications, ISBN 979-8398453829, July 2023

"Chapter 9: Why the COVID-19 Crisis Is Related to National Security and Arms Control", in M. Chatterji, U. Lutterbacher, V. Fert, and B. Chen (eds.), Globalisation and Covid-19, Emerald Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9781802625325 (pp. 147-154)

"Why Saudi Arabia Cannot Win the Yemen War Despite its Military Superiority" (with Shruti Punia), Pressenza in English, 12 February 2023

"Au Conseil de sécurité, la Suisse se doit promouvoir l'interdiction des armes nucléaires", Le Temps, 24 Jan. 2023 

"La France et le désarmement : un bilan mitigé" in C. Brisset, E. Decaux, B. Miyet and J.-M. RipertLivre bleu : La France et les Nations Unies, Association française pour les Nations Unies, Jan. 2023 (pp. 105-112)

"Warum die Schweiz dem Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag beitreten sollte", Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 13 January 2023

"The Biden administration's 'Nuclear Posture Review': A missed opportunity for a safer world", Gravity4.0, 28 November 2022 

"La Revue nationale stratégique 2002 : un périlleux exercice d'équilibriste ou le règne du 'en même temps'", IDN, 24 Nov. 2022

"The Nuclear Powers are Isolated within the International Community", Pressenza, 17 Oct. 2022

"Implications for Arms Control, Disarmament, and Non-Proliferation" in T. Greminger and T. Vestner (eds.), The Russia-Ukraine War's Implications for Global Security: A First Multi-issue Analysis, GCSP, August 2022

"The Historical Pursuit of General and Complete Disarmament" in V. Buonomo, D. Fernandez Puyana, M. Levrak, C. M. Marenghi and S. Saldi (eds.) (2022) Enhancing Multilateralism and Peace, Lateran University Press (forthcoming).

"Les puissances nucléaires isolées face à la communauté internationale", IDN, 9 September 2022

"Russia and the Threat of Nuclear Armageddon", EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium Newsletter, Issue 41, August 2022

Iran’s Dangerous Brinkmanship on Nuclear Safeguards”, Iran Bulletin, Institute for Peace and Democracy, 20 June 2022

The War in Ukraine and Nuclear Weapons: What Should We Fear?”, GCSP Blog, 8 May 2022

Guerre en Ukraine et armes nucléaires : de quoi faut-il avoir peur ?”, IDN, 23 May 2022

The Middle East is a Self-perpetuating Cycle of Conflicts and Arms Sales” with Shruti Punia, Responsible Statecraft, 7 February 2022

Why France Still Rejects No-First-Use” with Gen. Bernard Norlain, NoFirstUseGlobal, 13 January 2022

“Les missiles hypersoniques” in Bernard Norlain (ed.), Les nouvelles technologies et la stratégie militaire, IDN, November 2021 (pp. 6-12)

“Hypersonic Missiles” in Bernard Norlain (ed.), New Technologies and Nuclear Strategy, IDN, November 2021 (pp. 6-12)

Armes nucléaires : Faut-il gérer ou éliminer le risque ? ”, lecture to the La Planta Annual Forum, Sion (Valais), 1 October 2021

Hommage à Paul Quilès : Adieu à un combattant de la paix”, Planète Paix, October 2021

The Stakes of the Biden-Putin Summit: The Perspective of Small States”, GCSP Article, 18 June 2021

Prospects of Peace between Biden and Putin” (in Arabic), Swissinfo, 14 June 2021

US-Russian Summit: A Possible Thaw” (in Japanese), Swissinfo, 14 June 2021

Les possibilités de paix entre Biden et Poutine”, Swissinfo, 8 June 2021

Is There a New Chance for Arms Control in the Middle East?”, Arms Control Today, June 2021 (with Tony Robinson and Mona Saleh,)

USA, Iran, and the Nuclear Deal: What Role for the Other Parties?”, GCSP Article, 14 April 2021

Is the Nuclear Deal Back on Track?”, Geneva Solutions, 13 April 2021

Le Royaume-Uni accroît son arsenal nucléaire : une dangereuse dérive”, IDN, 1 April 2021

Entretien avec Hubert Védrine : Réalisme et Utopie”, IDN, 12 March 2021

A Nuclear-Weapon Free Zone in Europe: Why Today?”, END Info Europe, Jan. 2021

“Vers la catastrophe”, Planète Paix, Feb. 2021

Middle East: Is There Light at the End of the Long Corridor?”, with Mona Saleh and Tony Robinson, Pressenza, 16 Feb. 2021

Oriente Médio: será uma luz no fim do Longo Corredor?”, with Mona Saleh and Tony Robinson, Pressenza, 16 Feb. 2021

El Medio Oriente: ¿Hay una luz al final del «largo pasillo»?”, with Mona Saleh and Tony Robinson, Pressenza, 16 Feb. 2021

Μέση Ανατολή: υπάρχει φως στο τέλος του μεγάλου τούνελ?”, with Mona Saleh and Tony Robinson, Pressenza, 16 Feb. 2021

Will Nuclear Weapons Really Be Illegal?”, The Edition, 10 Feb. 2021

La France et le TIAN : mauvaise foi et déni”, IDN, 3 Feb. 2021 

Five Ways to Remain Diplomatic Without Shaking Hands”, GCSP Editorial, 25 March 2020

Traité d’interdiction des armes nucléaires : ce qui va changer”, IDN, 22 Jan. 2021

Les armes nucléaires sont-elles vraiment devenues illégales ?”, swissinfo, 22 Jan. 2021

Have Nuclear Weapons Really Become Illegal?”, swissinfo, 22 Jan. 2021

Sind Atomwaffen jetzt wirklich verboten?”, swissinfo, 22 Jan. 2021

Le armi nucleari sono davvero diventate illegali?”, swissinfo, 22 Jan. 2021

¿Las armas nucleares se han vuelto realmente ilegales?”, swissinfo, 22 Jan. 2021

Brexit Euphoria Ignores Costs”, Australian Financial Review, 5 Jan. 2021

Faut-il abandonner la dissuasion nucléaire”, Le Drenche-Ouest France, 30 Nov. 2010

Relation transatlantique et coopération franco-allemande”, IDN, 29 Nov. 2020

“COVID-19 et sécurité internationale : des menaces aggravées”, in François Mabille (dir.), COVID-19 : vers la société internationale du risque, L’Harmattan, 26 Nov. 2020, ISBN 978-2-343-21310-1A 

Eliminating Nuclear Weapons Before They Eliminate Us”, Global Geneva, 15 November 2020

Armes nucléaires: ce qui attend Biden et ce qu’on peut attendre de lui”, La Tribune,  13 November 2020

Nuclear Weapons: What is Biden Expecting and What Can Be expected from Him?”, GCSP Op-Ed,  12 November 2020

Multilateralism and Arms Control: The End of an Era?”, GCSP Op-Ed, 16 October 2020

“L’Arme nucléaire: Eliminons-la avant qu’elle nous élimine” (The Nuclear Weapon : Let’s Eliminate It before It Eliminates Us”), publisher L’Harmattan, Paris, Oct. 2020, 128 p. ISBN : 978-2-343-21527-3:

La Suisse isolée sur les armes ?, La Liberté , 9 October 2020

Crise climatique et armes nucléaires : deux menaces existentielles sur la planète”, IDN, 15 September 2020 

La France et l’ultime avertissement : une dangereuse dérive”, IDN, 14 September 2020

Nuclear testing : An Example to Follow”, GCSP Op-Ed, 28 August 2020

Le désarmement à Genève : efforts méritoires et lacunes à combler” in De la SdN à l’ONU : cent ans de multilatéralisme à Genève (1919-2019), Editions Suzanne Hurter, Geneva, 2020 (sous la direction d’Olga Hidalgo-Weber & Bernard Lescaze), pp. 92-103.

Disarmament in Geneva: Great Strides in an Incomplete Process” in 100 Years of Multilateralism in Geneva: From the LoN to the UN (1919-2019), Editions Suzanne Hurter, Geneva, 2020 (Olga Hidalgo-Weber & Bernard Lescaze eds.), pp. 92-103.

Regulating and Limiting the Proliferation of Armed Drones: Norms and Challenges”, GCSP Geneva Paper 25/20, 10 August 2020

Pandémie et course aux armements : La bourse et la vie”, swissinfo, 12 June 2020

Pandemie und Wettrüsten: Der Geldbeutel und das Leben”, swissinfo, 12 June 2020

Pandemia e corsa agli armamenti: la borsa e la vita”, swissinfo, 12 June 2020

How Does COVID-19 Relate to Biological Weapons?”, GCSP Op-Ed,  29 May 2020

Traité « Ciel ouvert » : nouveau caprice de Trump ou menace pour la sécurité européenne ?”, with Emilien Houard-Vial, IDN, 26 May 2020

India’s Strategic Intent and Military Partnerships in the Indian Ocean Region”, with Gaurav Sharma, GCSP Strategic Security Analysis, May 2020

Réponse de Marc Finaud à l’argumentaire sur le TNP du Ministère des Affaires étrangères”, IDN, 7 May 2020

Chernobyl fires: what could go wrong with nuclear weapons?”, GCSP Op-Ed, 29 April 2020

Traité New START : Vers le chaos ou la sécurité ?”, IDN, 27 April 2020

Comment répondre aux cinq menaces que la pandémie de COVID-19 fait peser sur la sécurité internationale ?”, with Paul Quilès and Michel Drain, IDN, 6 April 2020

Five Reasons Why the Covid-19 Crisis is Related to Arms Control”, GCSP Op-Ed, 3 April 2020

How the Iran Nuclear Deal Can Be Saved”, with Bernd Kubbig and Heinz Gärtner, Responsible Statecraft, 5 March 2020

L’européanisation de la dissuasion française : une idée dangereuse vouée à l’échec” with Grégoire Mallard, La Tribune, 18 February 2020

A Dangerous Idea Doomed to Failure” with Grégoire Mallard, Web24News, 18 February 2020

Wie sich der Iran-Atomdeal retten lässt”, with Bernd Kubbig and Heinz Gärtner, Der Standard, 14 February 2020

Discours présidentiel sur la dissuasion : une nouvelle opportunité manquée”, IDN, 11 February 2020

Towards a Regional Approach to Missiles in the Middle East”, paper presented to the Nuclear Forum in Amman (Jordan), 7 November 2019

The North Korea Nuclear Deal : Our Students Did It”, with Micheline Calmy-Rey, Issues & Insights Vol. 19, WP9, Pacific Forum, 10 September 2019

Why the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Is So Important?”, Basel Global Peace Conference, Institute for Peace and Dialogue, 13 August 2019 (full article)

New Forms of Conflict and Arms Control in the Middle East: Return to the Future?”, GCSP Editorial, 24 July 2019

Ventes d’armes et dissuasion nucléaire, même combat ? ”, La Tribune, 7 July 2019

Dissuasion nucléaire: La France invente le multilatéralisme à géométrie variable”, Le Journal du Dimanche, 2 July 2019

L’Initiative marocaine pour l’Autonomie de la Région du Sahara comme moyen de règlement du conflit”, paper presented to a Seminar at the United Nations, 1 July 2019

Effective Arrangements to Assure Non-Nuclear Weapon States against the Use or Threat of Use of Nuclear Weapons”, presentation to the Conference on Disarmament, 28 June

Shooting Oneself in the Foot: Why the United States’ Withdrawal from the Arms Trade Treaty is a Mistake”, GCSP Op-Ed, 6 May 2019

The Arms Trade  Treaty (ATT) and Asia’s Major Power Defiance, with Gaurav Sharma, GCSP Strategic Security Analysis No. 6, May 2019

What the Nuclear Weapon Possessor States Tell Us and What We Should Reply”, Basel Peace Office, 14 April 2019

Key Skills for the Five Main Diplomatic Functions”, GCSP Op-Ed, 1 March 2019

Disarmament that Saves Lives: Opportunities and Challenges drawn from the Panel Discussion, ‘Building on the Secretary General’s Disarmament Agenda’”, Centre for International Studies & Diplomacy at SOAS University of London, UNOG, Geneva, 12 February 2019

« L’OTAN a-t-elle encore un sens ? », Initiatives pour le Désarmement nucléaire (IDN), 30 December 2018

“Why Talk of a ‘Real European Army’ Now?”, GCSP Global Insights, 30 November 2018 

The South Asian Nuclear Posture : A Vicious Nuclear Arms Race”, with Gaurav Sharma, GCSP Strategic Security Analysis, Issue 3, November 2018

Réduire d’urgence le risque de guerre nucléaire”, Initiatives pour le Désarmement nucléaire (IDN), 26 October 2018

"Missiles hypersoniques et dissuasion nucléaire : un jeu de poker dangereux", Initiatives pour le désarmement nucléaire, 1 aout 2018

Assurer notre avenir commun : l’agenda du Secrétaire général de l’ONU pour le désarmement”, Initiatives pour le Désarmement nucléaire (IDN), 12 July 2018

Addressing the Nexus: Regional Conventional Arms Control in a Global Context”, OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions, July 2018

Towards a Missile-Free Zone for the Middle East – Moving beyond the Nuclear Dimension of the JCPOA”, with Bernd W. Kubbig, POLICY FORUM No. 12, June 2018

Can Geneva Become Again the City of Disarmament?”, UN Special, 1 June 2018.

Whither the Iran Nuclear Deal after the Trump Exit?”, GCSP Editorial, 16 May 2018.

Conférence sur le TNP : désaccords fondamentaux sur l’avenir des armes nucléaires”, Initiatives pour le Désarmement nucléaire (IDN), 14 May 2018

“Can the Humanitarian Paradigm Apply to Nuclear Weapons?”, Paper presented to the Geneva Academy on International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, 2 May 2018.

Against All Odds - Decreasing the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry for Regional Hegemony through and in the Wake of the JCPOA: Obstacles and Opportunities”, with Bernd Kubbig and Ali Fathollah-Nejad, POLICY FORUM No. 9, March 2018

La Conférence du désarmement se met au travail : le réveil de la ‘Belle au bois dormant’ ? ”, Initiatives pour le Désarmement nucléaire, 22 February 2018.

The Conference on Disarmament agrees to start working: A Wake-up Call for ‘Sleeping Beauty?’”, GCSP Editorial, 20 February 2018

"Les 12 propositions d’IDN pour éviter la catastrophe nucléaire", 7 February 2018

Avec son tweet sur le ‘gros bouton’, Trump n'est pas le seul à incarner l'arrogance des puissances nucléaires”, Huffington Post, 8 January 2018.

"Dissuasion nucléaire : circulez, il n’y a plus rien à voir !", La Croix, 7 November 2017

A Building Block for a Middle East without WMD: An All-inclusive Nuclear-Test-Free Zone”, POLICY FORUM No. 6, October 2017

Why New Thinking is Needed on Negative Security Assurances”, Arms Control Today, October 2017

A UN Special Envoy to Manage the Middle East WMD-Free Zone Conference Process”, with Bernd Kubbig, POLICY FORUM No. 4, September 2017

Bridging the Most Fundamental Gap by Simultaneously Pursuing Disarmament and Regional Security”, with Bernd Kubbig, POLICY FORUM No. 3, September 2017

“A Treaty Prohibiting Nuclear Weapons: What For and What Next?”GCSP Editorial, 10 July 2017

“Dissuasion nucléaire : les cinq contradictions françaises”, La Tribune, 2 June 2017

“China and Nuclear Weapons: Implications of a No-First Use Doctrine”, China Policy Institute, 3 April 2017

“How Can the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) Prevent Gender-based Violence?”, UN Special, March 2017

Humanitarian Disarmament: Powerful New Paradigm or Naive Utopia?, Geneva Papers Research Series No. 21, February 2017

"Interdiction des essais nucléaires : pour un rôle leader de la France," Editorial, La Tribune, 1 March 2017 

"The UN Vote on a Nuclear Weapons Ban: A Moment of Truth?" GCSP Editorial, 31 October 2016

Reconciling National Security and General and Complete Disarmament (GCD)” in Dan Plesch (ed.) Rethinking general and complete disarmament in the 21st Century, United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs, October 2016

Meeting the Costs of Protecting Critical Infrastructure: Why not Save on Nuclear Weapons?” in J. Martin Ramirez and Juan Carlos Fernández (eds.), Security in Infrastructures, Cambridge Scholars Publications, May 2016

The Iran Nuclear Deal: Distrust and Verify -  An Analytical Appraisal of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, Geneva Paper – Research Series no. 18, April 2016

20ème anniversaire du cessez-le-feu Israël-Liban: quand la France était active au Proche-Orient”, Revue Défense Nationale, n°767, avril 2016.

European Security and Reducing the Role of Nuclear Weapons”, Background paper published by the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation (FES) for the Framework Forum Roundtable: From the NTP to the UN General Assembly - Filling the Legal Gap to Prohibit and Eliminate Nuclear Weapons, 1 September 2015

The 1996 ‘Grapes of Wrath’ Ceasefire Understanding and the Israel-Lebanon Monitoring Group: A Model of Successful Negotiations in Conflict Management”, in Anat Kurz and Gilead Sher eds., Negotiating in Times of Conflict , Center of Applied Negotiation, Tel Aviv, September 2015

Les armes nucléaires: nées dans le péché, vouées à  être interdites”, GCSP Editorial, 21 August 2015

Nuclear Weapons: Born in Sin, Doomed to Be Banned”, Editorial, European Leadership Network, 10 August 2015

The Iran Deal: Achievement and Starting Point”, GCSP Editorial, 16 July 2015

The Failed Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference: Cyclical Pattern or Paradigm Change?”, GCSP Editorial, 10 June 2015

Whither Israel after the Victory of Fear?”, GCSP Editorial,  27 March 2015

Holy War’ and the Killing of Innocents”, GCSP Editorial, 23 January 2015 (disponible en français)

Autonomy: The Key to Many Conflicts”, GCSP Editorial, 3 October 2014

Conflict Mediation in the Middle East: Lessons from Egypt as a Mediator and Object of Mediation” (with M. Johannsen et al.), Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Policy Brief No. 36, August 2014

“Gaza, Ukraine: Protecting Civilians Is a Sacred Duty", GCSP Editorial, 25 July 2014

“Introduction" and "Concluding Remarks" in  International Seminar on Regional Commissions of Human Rights Councils in Autonomous Regions: Good Practices and Challenges, Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, New York, 30 June 2014

The Experience of Nuclear-Weapon Free Zones”, Background Paper for the SWP-BASIC Workshop on "Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures in Practice", Berlin, 27-28 February 2014

Vers un Moyen-Orient débarrassé des armes de destruction massive?”, Arrêtez la bombe, 4 janvier 2014

A third way toward a WMD-free Middle East”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 18 December 2013

The Geneva Accord on Iran's Nuclear Programme: Historic Chance or Historic Mistake?”, GCSP Editorial, 29 November 2013

"On-site Inspections, a Good Assurance of Compliance with International Arms Control and Disarmament Agreements",, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, 22 November 2013

"Cooperative Security: A New Paradigm For A World Without Nuclear Weapons?", Cadmus Journal, 11 November 2013

"The Geneva Agreement on Syria's Chemical Disarmament: An Important Milestone", GCSP Editorial, 17 September 2013 (disponible en français, également publié sur le site 'green et vert')

"How Can the High-Level  Meeting Contribute to Progress in Nuclear Disarmament?", UNIDIR Background Paper,  26 Sep. 2013

"The Arms Trade Treaty: Half Full or Half Empty?", GCSP Policy Paper, 2013/6

"Modest Confidence- and Security-Building Measures for the Middle East: No-First Use Declarations, Transparency Measures, and Communication Structures", with A. Péczeli, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), Policy Brief No. 21, July 2013

"Moving Beyond Nuclear Deterrence", special issue of Nuclear Abolition Forum, Cook-editor with P. Meyer and M. Sethi, Apr. 2013

"Les négociations pour l’autonomie de la Nouvelle-Calédonie: des enseignements à tirer pour l’autonomie de la région du Sahara ?", in Ministère des Affaires étrangères et de la Coopération, Royaume du Maroc, Séminaire international sur la représentativité et la légitimité dans les négociations d’autonomie, Genève, 21 mars 2013

"La formation internationale des Attachés de défense : une contribution importante de la Suisse", Revue Militaire Suisse, jan.-fev. 2013

"La dernière chance pour un traité sur le commerce des armes?", Éditorial GCSP, 25 janvier 2013 (également publié sur le site 'green et vert')

"The last chance for an arms treaty?", GCSP Editorial, 25 January 2013

"A Middle East Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Deadlock or Opportunity?", European Leadership Network, 7 Dec. 2012

"Lutte contre les crimes écologiques: vœux pieux ou réalité?", Green et vert, 17 avril 2012

"Un Moyen-Orient exempt d’armes de destruction massive. Pour une approche globale et graduelle" in Annuaire français de relations internationales, La Documentation française, Paris, octobre 2012

"The Conference for a Middle East Weapons of Mass Destruction Free Zone: A Synopsis of Engagement of International and Regional Organisations, and Civil Society", with Ayman Khalil (ed.), GCSP Report, October 2012

"Syria’s Chemical Weapons: Force of Law or Law of Force?", GCSP Policy Paper 2012/10

"Les armes chimiques de la Syrie : force du droit ou droit de la force?", Green et vert, 25 October 2012

"Lithuania-France-Australia: Migrant Destinies", Doryanthes, Vol. 5, No. 3, August 2012

"Un traité pour réguler les transferts d'armes: défis et opportunités", Green et Vert, 2 July 2012

"A Treaty to Regulate Arms Transfers: Challenges and Opportunities", GCSP Editorial, 25 June 2012

"Un Iran nucléaire: comment éviter l'escalade?", Revue Militaire Suisse, N°3 mai-juin 2012

"The Non-Conformist Painters of Leningrad and the French Consulate-General 1977-1979", Doryanthes, Volume 5, Number 1, February 2012

"A Nuclear Iran: Avoiding a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy", GCSP Policy Paper 2012/1

"Un Iran nucléaire : comment éviter la prophétie auto-réalisatrice?", GCSP Policy Paper 2012/1

"The Israeli Social Movement: A Chance for Peace?" , GCSP Editorial, November 2011

Out of the Cradle: Anthropological Background and Process - 100 Year Starship Symposium with V. Fert et al., Globe Expert, 1 Oct. 2011

The Role of Parliaments in Arms Control, Disarmament and the Non-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, GCSP Geneva Papers Conference Series No. 22, Oct, 2011

From Black September to September 2011: the Road to Palestinian StatehoodWeb-Editorial , September 2011

A Middle East Free of Weapons of Mass Destruction: For a Comprehensive and Incremental Approach, GCSP Policy Paper N° 18, July 2011

Un Moyen-Orient exempt d’armes de destruction massive: pour une approche globale et graduelle, GCSP Policy Paper N° 18, juillet 2011

The OSCE Summit and New Security Threats, OSCE, 13 Dec. 2010

"Un Moyen-Orient sans armes de destruction massive : comment relever le défi?", Editorial, Observatoire de la Non-prolifération, CESIM, No. 52 (septembre 2010)

"The Middle East without Weapons of Mass Destruction: How to Meet the Challenge?", Editorial, The Non-Proliferation Monthly, Center for International Security and Arms Control Studies (CESIM), Issue 52 (September 2010)

Safety and Security in the Biotechnological Age with S. Chandiramani, Geneva Papers No.15 , GCSP, Jul. 2010

"Can Autonomy Fulfil the Right to Self-Determination?", Geneva Papers n°12, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), March 2010

"Pakistan and South Asia’s Security Nexus: Scenarios for the Future", with Sunjay Chandiramani and Dr Khalid Koser, Geneva Paper n°11, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), March 2010

Multilateralism and Transnational Security: A Synthesis of Win-win Solutions, with Nayef Al-Rodhan et al., Slatkine, Geneva 2009

"How to Increase Security in the Middle East by Promoting Adherence to Multilateral Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Instruments?", GCSP Occasional Paper n° 51 , September 2009

Global Biosecurity: Towards a New Governance Paradigm, with Nayef R.F. Al-Rodhan, Lyubov Nazaruk and Jenifer Mackby, Slatkine, Geneva, 2008. ISBN 978-2-05-102054-1

"Le Lien entre Non-prolifération et Désarmement" in "2040 : Un regard prospectif sur la prolifération", Délégation aux Affaires stratégiques, Paris, 12 June 2008

"L’abus de la notion de "combattant illégal": une atteinte au droit international humanitaire", in Revue générale de Droit international public , Paris, Vol. 4, 2006.

The Weak Send Rocks, The Strong Send Rockets (under pseudonym of Marek Arnaud), Strategic Book Publishing, New York, 2006, ISBN 1-60860-201-X

"Information Technology, Terrorism and Global Security", Programme on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalisation, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), 19 June 2006

"Acronyms and Abbreviations in International and Human Security" (English-French, more than 10,000 entries), Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), July 2017

"The Role of the European Union in the International Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Assistance", with Ian Anthony (SIPRI), GCSP Occasional Paper n°50, Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP), December 2005

"The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Is There a Way Out?" (under pseudonym of Marek Arnaud), in The Australian Journal of International Affairs 57, n°2 (July 2003): 243 - 251 (Carfax Publishing, Oxford)

Introduction to Wolfgang Freund, The Emergence of a New Mediterranean Culture: Maghreb, Mashriq, Israel, 1998 Symposium at Beersheva University (Peter Lang, Bern, 2000), ISBN: 978-3-631-35841-2

"France on the Net", Label France , Quarterly Magazine of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in 9 languages), n° 23 (March 1996)

"More Disarmament and Other Aphorisms or A Brave New World Order", in International Geneva Yearbook, Vol. VIII (Peter Lang, Bern, 1994)

"Disarmament and Other Aphorisms", in International Geneva Yearbook, Vol. VII (Peter Lang, Bern, 1993)


Selected Media Interviews and Citations

Tabnak News (Iran), "Finaud: Improvement of relations between Washington and Moscow affect positively relations with Iran", 9 March 2025.

Giacomo Butti, "L'intervista: «L'ombrello nucleare francese sull'Europa? Macron non sacrificherà Parigi per Tallin o Riga»", Corriere del Ticino, 6 March 2025

Lynn Sachs, "Mehr Geld für Verteidigung heisst Kürzungen bei Sozialausgaben", 20 Minuten, 3 March 2025.

Tabnak News (Iran), "Marc Finaud: Trump ready to negotiate with Iran on all issues", 25 January 2025.

Alain Rebetez, "L'Iran est demandeur d'un accord sur le nucléaire", interview to 24 Heures, 14 January 2025

"Marc Finaud: Trump's victory was the most important event of 2024", Tabnak News (Iran), 6 January 2025 

"Marc Finaud: Europe's interests are not in line with Trump's 'maximum pressure'", Tabnak News (Iran), 24 December 2024

Vincente Leone, "La nuova Guerra fredda. Gli Usa spaventano Mosca con una base in Polonia", Domani, 17 December 2024

"Marc Finaud: Activating snapback against Iran is counterproductive", Tabnak News (Iran), 24 November 2024

Gérald Papy, "La Russie affine sa doctrine nucléaire, au cas où...", Le Vif, 6 October 2024

Daniel Graf, "Urananreicherung im Iran: Ist ein Atomschlag gegen Israel denkbar?", 20 Minuten, 4 October 2024

"Marc Finaud: Iran's Supreme Leader authorized direct talk with US", Tabnak (Tehran), 24 september 2024 

"Marc Finaud: Iran's Supreme Leader Approved Direct Negotiations with the US", Tabnak (Tehran), 31 August 2024

"Marc Finaud: Haniyeh's assassination was brutal message to Iran and Hamas", Tabnak (Tehran), 12 August 2024

"Netanyahu seeking to draw US into war, sabotage possible talks", Mehr News Agency (Iran), 6 August 2024

Raoul Dedondo, "Le Maroc renforce la promotion de l'investissement direct étranger au Sahara occidental", Atalayar, 4 July 2024

"Sahara: Seminar on Autonomy and Foreign Direct Investment Promotion", Agence marocaine de presse, 2 July 2024

"UN New York Hosts Seminar on Autonomy and Foreign Direct Investment Promotion", North Africa Post, 2 July 2024 

"Sahara : Séminaire sur l'autonomie et la promotion des investissements étrangers directs", Maroc diplomatique, 2 July 2024 

Stéphane Bussard, "Une initiative populaire veut forcer le Conseil fédéral à ratifier un traité interdisant les armes nucléaires", Le Temps, 2 July 2024

Olivier Tallès, "Guerre en Ukraine: un sommet à la recherche d'une paix introuvable", La Croix, 14 June 2024

Rachel Häubi, "Threat of nuclear war paralyzes International Geneva", swissinfo, 24 May 2024

Interview on IAEA resolution regarding Iran's nuclear programmeTabnak (Tehran), 7 June 2024

Rachel Häubi, "La menace d'une guerre nucléaire paralyse la Genève internationale", swissinfo, 24 May 2024

Robin Korda, "Russie, Corée du Nord, Iran... Le retour de la menace nucléaire", Le Parisien, 14 May 2024

Daniel Graf, "61 Milliarden für den Krieg: Rettet die USA damit die Ukraine?"20 Minuten, 21 April 2024

Tahlil Bazar (Iran), "Iran enters emerging economies bloc with BRICS membership", 11 January 2024

Tahlil Bazar (Iran), "Marc Finaud: "World economy still suffering from long-term impact of COVID", 19 December 2023 

Tahlil Bazar (Iran), "Iran enters emerging economies bloc with BRICS membership", 11 January 2024

Tahlil Bazar (Iran), "World economy still suffering from long-term impact of COVID", 19 December 2023

Tahlil Bazar (Tehran); "EU Is convinced that restoring the JCPOA would be in the interest of all", 7 November 2023

Collectif Bourgogne-Franche-Comté pour l'abolition des armes nucléaires, "Communiqué", 21 October 2023

Lucille Descamps, "Guerre en Ukraine : pourquoi laRussie utilise-t-elle des composants occidentaux dans ses armes ?", Le Parisien, 28 September 2023

Cécile Lussato, "Ukraine : où vont les armes ?", L'Obs, 7 September 2023

Benjamin Luis, "Les essais nucléaires, une pratique désuète qui sert toujours de menace", RTS, 29 August 2023

DayFREURO, "Nuclear tests, an outdated pratice that still serves as a threat", 29 August 2023

Tahlil Bazaar (Tehran), "Not surprising US and Iran discuss nuclear issue at UN", 29 August 2023

L'Opinion, "L’initiative d’autonomie au Sahara marocain, l’un des modèles les plus avancés dans le monde, selon Marc Finaud", 15 July 2023

Le 360, "100 pays rejettent les thèses du Polisario", 16 July 2023 

Javad Herannia, "Marc Finaud: No Side in JCPOA Negotiations Wants to Appear as Making Unilateral Concessions", Tahlil Bazar, 9 July 2023

Giacomo Butti, "Bombe a grappolo sulla guerra", Corriere del Ticino, 8 July 2023 (in Italian)

Anne Guenter, "Ukraine relies on these high-tech weapons – and wants more of them", 20 Minuten, 28 April 2023

Tahlil Bazar, "Marc Finaud: Interim Agreement Should Pave the Way for Revival of JCPOA", 9 May 2023

Didier Lauras, "Les doutes planent sur les projets nucléaires russes en Biélorussie", AFP, Le Devoir, 27 March 2023

AFP, "Russian plans for nukes on Belarus raises questions", 27 March 2023

Julie-Solveig Saint-Germes, "Des armes nucléaires déployées en Biélorussie : cinq questions sur cette annonce surprise de Poutine", Ouest-France, 27 March 2023 

Daniel Graf, "Putin will mit der Atom-Drohung vom Versagen der eigenen Armee ablenken", 20 Minuten, 26 March 2023

"Moscou se retire de l'accord 'New START'", El Watan, 22 February 2023

Javad Heirannia, "Marc Finaud: Iran's cooperation with IAEA basis for start of nuclear negotiations", Tahlil Bazar (Tehran), 9 March 2023 

Stéphane Bussard, "Quatre scénarios pour la guerre en Ukraine", Le Temps,  23 February 2023

Didier Lauras, "New START : Poutine affaiblit encore le contrôle des armements nucléaires", AFP, Le Soleil, 21 February 2023

Didier Lauras, "Putin Hurts Arms Control but Nuclear Risk Remote, Experts", AFP, Bangkok Post, 22 February 2023

Victor Cousin, "Nombre d'ogives, tests nucléaires, qu'est-ce que le traité New START dont la Russie s'est désengagée ?", Le Parisien, 21 February 2023

Javad Heirannia, "Marc Finaud: Accesss to a limited agreement on the JCPOA is not easy", Tahlil Bazar, 13 January 2023

Anne Guenter, "Putins Hyperschallrakete ist mit einer Art Plasma überzogen", 20 Minuten, 6 January 2023

Stéphane Bussard, "A Genève, l'importance de considérer le risque global", Le Temps, 2 Dec. 2022

Simon Petite, "Bataille incertaine dans le ciel ukrainien", Le Temps, 18 Nov. 2022 

Javad Heirannia, "Marc Finaud: Unlikely UNSC agree to new sanctions on Iran", Tahlil Bazaar, 18 Nov. 2022

Stéphane Bussard, "Pékin et Moscou dans le collimateur du Pentagone", Le Temps, 2 Nov. 2022

MAP Express, "Des experts mettent en avant la pertinence du plan marocain d'autonomie", 27 Oct. 2022

Simon Petite, "Une 'bombe sale' ukrainienne? Moscou radote", Le Temps, 25 Oct. 2022

020 Minuten, "Video zeigt Ausmass der Explosion an Nord-Stream-Pipeline", 18 Oct. 2022

Marino Walser, "Die russische Armee greift die zivile Infrastruktur in der Ukraine an. Dies hat verheerende Folgen für die Bevölkerung. Die gesamte Infrastruktur zu schützen ist laut einem Experten ein Ding der Unmöglichkeit", 20 Minuten, 18 Oct. 2022

Eva Thiébaud, "Course à l'atome au Proche-Orient", Le Monde diplomatique, October 2022

Eva Thiébaud, "Middle East's Growing Nuclear Ambitions", Le Monde diplomatique, October 2022

Daniel Graf, "Russland, USA oder ein anderer Staat - wer steckt hinter den Nord-Stream-Lecks?", 20 Minuten, 29 September 2022

Mohammed Alizadeh, "Israel's Anti-Iranian Lobbying Backfires", Jamejam Daily (Tehran), 15 September 2022 (in Persian)

Anetka Mühlemann, "Guerre en Ukraine: Nous vivons avec une menace nucléaire élevée", La Tribune de Genève, 29 August 2022

Stéphane Bussard, "Centrale de Zaporijjia: la mission la plus difficile jamais menée par l'AIEA", Le Temps, 29 August 2022

Stéphane Bussard, "A l'ONU, les Etats échouent à réduire la menace nucléaire", Le Temps, 26 August 2022

Yunis Abdullayev, "Neither France nor Germany Can Impose their Will to the Rest of the EU - Expert", Eurasia Daily, 17 August 2022 

Xavier Lambiel, "'Nous restons à la merci d'un accident nucléaire' selon le spécialiste Marc Finaud", Le Nouvelliste / La Côte Arcinfo, 11 August 2022

Aline Jaccottet, "Zaporijjia, une centrale nucléaire au coeur du chantage à la peur", Le Temps, 9 August 2022

Andrés Allemand Smaller, "Course aux armements: la menace est plus réaliste que jamais", La Tribune de Genève, 31 July 2022

Stéphane Bussard, “Réunis à Vienne, les abolitionnistes des armes nucléaires tireront la sonnette d’alarme”, Le Temps, 19 June 2022

Anissa Hammadi, “Ukraine, prolifération nucléaire, terrorisme... comment la France entre dans une «économie de guerre» pour parer les menaces”, Le Parisien, 15 June 2022

Javad Heirannia, “Marc Finaud: JCPOA must be revived without delay”, Tahlil Bazar, 6 May 2022

Emma Farge, “Amid Criticism, North Korea Takes Over as UN Disarmament President”, Reuters, 2 June 2022

Daniel Graf, “Putins Wunderwaffe? «Laser könnten Satelliten, Flugzeuge, Panzer zerstören»”, 20 Minuten, 20 May 2022

Stéphane Bussard, “Une petite bombe nucléaire sur Kiev : quel impact ?”, Le Temps, 8 May 2022

Javad Heirannia, “Marc Finaud: The US Has a Strategic Interest in Return to Full Compliance by Iran with JCPOA”, Tahlil Bazaar, 3 May 2022

Ashley Cornell, “This is how a Russian nuclear strike would hit Europe”, Spamchronicles, 3 May 2022, “Frappe nucléaire: comment elle toucherait l’Autriche – Guerre d’Ukraine”, 3 May 2022

Tomas Obrecht, “NUKLEARE SS-X-30  SATAN 2:So schlimm träfe ein Nuklearschlag Russlands in Europa die Schweiz”, 20 Minuten, 3 May 2022

Stéphane Bussard, “Ukraine: quatre scénarios pour le troisième mois”, Le Temps, 28 April 2022

Thomas Pierre, “Guerre en Ukraine : faut-il vraiment craindre une escalade nucléaire du Kremlin ? ”, RTL, 15 April 2022

Javad Deirannia, “Marc Finaud: Delisting the IRGC as a terrorist organization is a very sensitive issue in US domestic politics”,  Tahlil Bazaar, 9 April 2022

Anissa Hammadi, “Arrêtons d’avoir peur de Poutine» : livrer ou pas des armes lourdes à l’Ukraine, le grand dilemme”, Le Parisien, 7 April 2022

Anissa Hammadi, “Guerre en Ukraine : l’utilisation d’armes chimiques est-elle une «menace crédible» ?”, Le Parisien, 25 March 2022

Anissa Hammadi, “Guerre en Ukraine : enlisement, soldats tués... La Russie est-elle en train de perdre son pari ? ”, Le Parisien, 23 March 2022

Daniel Krähenbuhl, “Schweizerinnen und Schweizer fürchten sich vor einem Atomkrieg”, 20 Minuten, 21 March 2022

Javad Deirannia, “Marc Finaud: Nuclear Deal Seems Imminent”, Tahlil Bazaar, 21 March 2022

Virginie Lenk, “Quels sont les risques des centrales nucléaires en Ukraine ?”, La Tribune de Genève, 11 March 2022

Gérald Papy, “La Russie entretient une ambiguïté sur l’arme nucléaire”, Le Vif-L’Express, 10 March 2021

Caroline Zuercher, “Vladimir Poutine est à la tête de la première puissance nucléaire”, Le Matin Dimanche, 6 March 2022

Hanissa Hammadi, Ukraine : 5 minutes pour comprendre l’effet des bombes thermobariques, que Moscou est soupçonnée d’utiliser”, Le Parisien, 3 March 2022

Deutsche Welle, “Western arms supplies for Ukraine: How are they getting there?”, 2 March 2022

Thomas Obrecht, “Gefahr eines nuklearen Angriffs ist heute grösser als im Kalten Krieg”, 20 Minuten, 2 March 2022

Thomas Obrecht, “Le risque est plus grand que pendant la guerre froide”, 20 Minutes, 2 March 2022

Lucile Descamps, “Ukraine : invasion terrestre, bombardements, parachutistes... La tactique militaire russe décryptée”, Le Parisien, 2 March 2022

Carla Bleiker, “How Serious are Vladimir Putin’s Nuclear Threats?”, Deutsche Welle, 28 February 2022

Aljazeera English, “Key Questions after Putin’s Nuclear Announcement”, 27 February 2022

AFP, “Guerre en Ukraine: coup de bluff, escalade dangereuse? La menace nucléaire russe soulève de nombreuses questions”, 27 February 2022

Léo Durin, “Les Etats-Unis entreposent toujours une centaine de bombes nucléaires sur le continent européen”, La Croix, 17 February 2022

Kasmira Jefford, “Geneva Disarmament Talks: Same Problems, Different Outcome?”, Geneva Solutions, 7 February 2022

Fahad Shabbir, “ANALYSIS - US Reply To Russian Security Proposals 'Constructive' Despite No Stop To NATO Expansion”, Sputnik News/UrduPoint, 5 February 2022

Javad Heirannia, “Marc Finaud: Qatar Agreed to Mediate between the US and Iran”, Tahlil Bazar, 31 January 2022

Yunis Abdullayev, “Russia's Behaviour May Lead to Armed Conflict in the Region – Expert”, Eurasia Daily, 26 January 2022

ANALYSIS: Russia, US Have Good Chance of Agreeing on Intermediate, Short-range Missiles, Experts”, Sputnik News/UrduPoint, 15 January 2021

Javad Heirannia, “Marc Finaud: Vienna Talks are really in the end-game phase”, Tahlil Bazar, 10 January 2022

François Danjou, “Les non-dits des vœux de Xi Jinping et la posture nucléaire chinoise”,, 6 January 2022

Amid rising global tension, world powers pledge to prevent nuclear weapons spread”, AFP, 4 January 2022

Les cinq grandes puissances nucléaires veulent prévenir la dissémination”, AFP, 4 January 2022

Los cinco miembros del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU prometen evitar la proliferación nuclear”, AFP, 4 January 2022

Die USA, Russland und die anderen Atommächte versprechen, die Verbreitung von Atomwaffen zu verhindern”, AFP, 4 January 2022

Lima Raksasa Dunia Sepakat Cegah Perang Nuklir”, Republika, 4 January 2022

Năm cường quốc hạt nhân chống phát tán vũ khí hạt nhân, tiếng nói của kẻ mạnh”, RFI, 4 January 2022

ANALYSIS - Moscow Security Guarantees Proposals Can Pave Way To New US-Russia Strategic Agreements”, Sputnik News, 20 December 2021

Félix Portier, Interview: “Faciliter la reconstruction d’une sécurité plus coopérative ‘gagnant-gagnant’”, Dossiers publics, 15 December 2021

Marc Finaud: Germany is committed to a successful conclusion of the Vienna talks”, Tahlil Bazar, 14 December 2021

ANALYSIS - US Withdrawal From ABM Treaty Continues To Adversely Affect Global Security 20 Years On”, UrduPoint News, 13 December 2021

Any Incident between Russia and NATO May Escalate up to the Use of Nuclear Weapons - Expert”, Eurasia Diary, 7 December 2021

Javad Deirannia, “Interview with Marc Finaud: ‘Nuclear Powers Lie about Nuclear Weapons Reduction – Nuclear Winter Could Kill 2 Billion People’”, Iran Book News Agency (IBNA), 1 December 2021 (in Persian)

Javad Deirannia, “Marc Finaud: Possible to Include Step-by-Step Approach in Iran’s Final Deal”, Tahlil Bazar, 22 November 2021

Etienne Meyer-Vacherand, “Dans l’espace, le spectre militaire”, Le Temps, 17 November 2021 (attached)

AFP, “La France lance un satellite militaire de dernière génération”, 23 October 2021

Fars News Agency, “US Senate Panel advances Bill to Impose Sanctions Tied to South Sea Issues”, 20 October 2021

The Eurasian Times, “China Testing Combat Drone Ships At Secret Location; Could Amplify Regional Patrols After US Submarine Accident – Expert”, 12 October 2021

Interview: “La reconstruction d’une sécurité plus coopérative, ‘gagnant-gagnant’ ”, Dossiers Publics, October 2021 Stéphane Bussard, “EXCLUSIF: A Genève, Américains et Russes concrétisent la promesse du Sommet Biden-Poutine”, Le Temps, 29 September 2021

Payman Yazdani, “US-Australia submarine agreement breach of solidarity among allies”, Mehr News Agency, 28 September 2021

Javad Heiran-Nia, “Marc Finaud: Effective Means of Reviving the JCPOA is Discreet Negotiations Outside Public Pressure”, Tahlil Bazar, 25 September 2021

Hussein Safarov, “Франция должна соблюдать нейтралитет в армяно-азербайджанском конфликте - Французский дипломат в гостях у Caliber.Az”, Caliber (Azerbaijan), 25 September 2021

Archyde, “The ‘boomerang’ effect of a rapprochement launched too strongly”, 23 September 2021

Jean-Baptiste François, “France-Australie : l’effet boomerang d’un rapprochement lancé trop fort”, La Croix, 23 September 2021

Ksenia Shakalova, “ANALYSIS: AUKUS May Trigger Nuclear Arms Race in Indo-Pacific, France to Stay in NATO”, UrduPoint/Sputnik News, 21 September 2021

Christophe Nourrissier, “Ce que révèle l’affaire des sous-marins australiens sur les relations entre la France et ses alliés”, La Revue internationale, 20 September 2021

Jean-Baptiste François, “Sous-marins : la France opte pour la sanction diplomatique”, La Croix, 20 September 2021

Stéphane Bussard, “L’Occident opte pour la confrontation stratégique et risquée avec Pékin”, Le Temps, 16 September 2021

Ksenia Shakalova, “ANALYSIS: N. Korea Cruise Missile Test Aimed to Draw US Attention, Resumption of Talks Unlikely”, Sputnik News / UrduPoint, 15 September 2021

U.S.-Russian ‘Strategic Stability Talks’ Open in Geneva a Month after Biden-Putin Summit”, The Eurasian Times, 28 July 2021

Stéphane Bussard, “Etats-Unis et Russie réunis à Genève pour réduire le grave danger de guerre atomique”, Le Temps, 27 July 2021

Seminar on Devolution of Judicial Powers in Autonomous Regions Held in New York”, North Africa Post, 19 July 2021

La Mission permanente du Maroc à l’ONU organise un séminaire sur la dévolution des pouvoirs judiciaires dans les régions autonomes”,, 19 July 2021

Pablo Chaillat, « L’Europe ‘géopolitique’ peut-elle se passer d’un débat autour de la dissuasion nucléaire ? ”, IDN, 19 July 2021

Marc Finaud: Neither the US or Iran is Ready for a Grand Bargain”, Tahlil Bazaar, 5 July 2021

Experts in EPC’s Webinar: Iran Exploited Vienna Talks to Approach Nuclear Threshold”, Emirates Policy Center, 29 June 2021

Louis de Briant, “Gains économiques, soft power, affirmer sa puissance… Ce qu’espèrent les hôtes des sommets internationaux”, Le Journal du Dimanche, 17 June 2021

La Conférence du désarmement tient un débat thématique sur les garanties négatives de sécurité”, United Nations Geneva, 8 June 2021

Conference on Disarmament Holds Thematic Discussion on Negative Security Assurances”, United Nations Geneva, 8 June 2021

Urdu Point/Sputnik News, “US Media, Politics Could Undermine Biden-Putin Momentum on Arms Control”, 17 June 2021

Genève Vision, Biden-Poutine: une opportunité pour renouer le dialogue”, 10 June 2021

Javad Heirannia, “Remaining US Sanctions Would Be a Violation of the UN Security Council Iran Must Refer to the Joint Commission” (in Farsi), Tahlil Bazaar, 9 June 2021

Solène Jomier, “Politieke, juridische en ethische vragen bij inzet militaire drones door EU-lidstaten” (in Dutch), De Wereld Morgen, 8 June 2021

Simon Petite, “Des robots tueurs ont-ils fait leurs premières victimes en Libye ?”, Le Temps, 2 June 2021

Marc Finaud: It is difficult to predict the outcome of the Vienna talks”, Tahlil Bazaar, 15 May 2021

Mohammed Shaikh, “Will Natanz Attack Trigger an Iran-Israel War, Derail Resurrection of 2015 Nuclear Deal?”, Money Control, 17 April 2021

Iran Nuclear Site ‘Sabotaged’: What about the 2015 Accord?”, AFP for Times of India, 14 April 2021

ANALYSIS - EU Can Play Crucial Role In Restoring JCPOA By Bringing US, Iran Together”, UrduPoint/Sputnik News, 21 Feb. 2021

Javad Heirannia, “There is Alignment within the EU on the JCPOA”, Tahlil Bazaar,  7 Feb. 2021

Analysis: EU Capable of Making Iran, US Return to Full Compliance with JCPOA”, UrduPoint/Sputnik News, 4 Feb. 2021

Pip Cook, “A New Year Brings Tensions in the World of Disarmament”, Geneva Solutions, 2 Feb. 2021

Lena Kennouche, “The Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty: Western Inaction Weakens the Effects”, Al-Akhbar, 28 Jan. 2021 (in Arabic) (English translation available here)

Stéphane Bussard, “Moscou et Washington s’accordent pour réduire la menace nucléaire”, Le Temps, 27 Jan. 2021
Elizaveta Isakova, “Эксперт оценил намерения США возобновить диалог с Ираном по СВПД” (“Expert Assesses US Intention to Renew Dialogue with Iran”), RIA-Novosti, 23 Jan. 2021

Elizaveta Isakova, “Эксперт оценил возможные сроки начала переговоров по ДСНВ” (“Expert Assesses Likely Timeframe for New START Negotiations”), RIA-Novosti, 23 Jan. 2021

Elizaveta Isakova, “Эксперт рассказал, как продление ДСНВ повлияет на отношения России и США” (“Expert Tells How Extension of New START Will Impact US-Russia Relations”), Ria-Novosti, 23 Jan. 2021

Alain Jourdan, “Le Traité sur les armes nucléaires signe une avancée”, 24 Heures, 22 Jan. 2021

Julie Gacon, “Le Traité sur l’interdiction des armes nucléaires : l’aboutissement d’un combat… ou le début ?”, Les Enjeux internationaux, France Culture, 21 Jan. 2021

Emma Farge, “Iran, Turkey block rivals from joining U.N. disarmament talks”, Reuters, 19 Jan. 2021

Biden Likely to Follow Obama’s Approach towards Iran: Finaud”, Mehr News Agency, 22 December 2020.

European Parliament, “Nuclear Arms Control Regimes: State of Play and Perspectives”, December 2020Former French Ministry Spokesman in Talks with Bazaar: There is no Need for Saudi Arabia to Enter the Negotiations”, Tahlil Bazaar, 8 December 2020 (in Persian).

Президентство Байдена будет менее агрессивным, считает эксперт” (“Biden’s presidency will be less aggressive, according to one expert”), RIA Novosti, 10 November 2020

Biden Will Follow Obama’s Legacy Towards Iran: ex-French Foreign Ministry Official”, Tehran Times, 9 November 2020

Agency Inspections of Iran Should Be Based on Available Safeguards”, Jamejam Daily, Tehran (25 October 2020) (in Persian) (unofficial translation in English)

Interview about extension of the New START Treaty to Swiss Radio RTS on 13 October 2010 (in French)

Whoever wins US Election, JCPOA Must Be Restored”, Mehr News Agency, 28 September 2020

ANALYSIS - Trump Issues New START Ultimatums Before Election To Look Tough On Russia, Shift Blame”,, 23 September 2020

Trump and Biden Have the Same Goal about Iran – Interview with Marc Finaud

Analysis: UN Report on N. Korea’s Nuclear Program Reveals No New Information”,, 8 August 2020

The US claim that there is no embargo on humanitarian trade with Iran is false”,, 1 August 2020 (in farsi)

Philippe Le Bé, “Brûler de l’intérieur”, Le Temps, 5 July 2020

Faizan Hashmi, “US Exit From Open Skies Unlikely To Severely Damage Treaty's Value For Remaining Parties”, UrduPointNews, 7 July 2020

Trump Administration: Example of Isolationism, Unilateralism”,, 28 June 2020

IAEA vulnerable to members with political motives: former French diplomat”, Tehran Times, 26 June 2020

ANALYSIS - US Insists On Trilateralizing Arms Talks With Russia To Justify 'Killing' New START Treaty”,, 26 June 2020

Le risque nucléaire est plus élevé que pendant la guerre froide”, RTS, 6 June 2020

Giulia Zanette, “Futuro Incerto per il Trattato New Start”,, 14 May 2020

Dispute Resolution Mechanism of JCPOA is open “only” to current JCPOA parties: Finaud”, Mehr News Agency, 2 May 2020

Should Modi Worry About Trump's Unpredictable Twitter Diplomacy?”, DKoding, 1 May 2020

Jamie Prentis, “Coronavirus: Iran’s hardliners entrenched by health crisis”, The National, 10 April 2020

Jan Dirk Herbermann, “Neun Jahre Tod und Machtspiele in Syrien”, Frankfurter Runschau, 16 March 2020

IAEA’s main weakness is relying on information provided by its members”, Tehran Times, 11 March 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Donald Trump's Middle East policy is erratic and disruptive, says former French diplomat Marc Finaud”,, 3 March 2020

The Prohibition of Intermediate-Range Missiles is Still Needed in Europe”, RIAC, 26 February 2020

Марк Фино: Запрет на ракеты средней дальности в Европе по-прежнему необходим”, RIAC, 26 February 2020

Triggering JCPOA Dispute Mechanism Risky Step, Further Developments Depend On Iran”, Urdupoint, 17 January 2020

L’accord sur le nucléaire iranien est-il mort?”, swissinfo, 10 January 2020

Tensions Iran-Etats-Unis : Que peut faire la France ?”, Yahoo Actualités, 9 January 2020

Is Iran’s Nuclear Deal Dead?swissinfo, 8 January 2020

Resposta do Irã foi comedida e mostra que Teerã não quer guerra, apontam especialistas”, Correio do Povo, 8 January 2020

Vers une pause dans l'escalade après la riposte calibrée de Téhéran”, VOA, 8 January 2020 

Pour l’instant, la stratégie de l’Iran sur le nucléaire n’a pas changé”, 24 Heures, 6 January 2020

No Agreement among Permanent Members that Iran is not Complying with Resolution 2231, Finaud”, Tehran Times, 8 December 2019.

RTS Radio, « L’Iran affirme produire cinq kilos d’uranium enrichi par jour : interview de Marc Finaud », 5 November 2019

Forum Suisse de Politique Internationale (FSPI), Interview de Marc Finaud, Conseiller principal chargé des questions de désarmement et de  prolifération, GCSP, 17 October 2019

Shuham Ghosh, “Exclusive: Donald Trump’s Middle East Policy is Erratic and Disruptive, Says Former French Diplomat Marc Finaud”,, 17 October 2019

Javad Heirannia, “INSTEX has Limited Scope : Finaud”, Tehran Times, 14 October 2019

"Cost of import of pharmaceutical in Iran has increased and reduced availability of medicine: Finaud", Tehran Times, 30 August 2019

Risk Of Nuclear Arms Race Growing In Wake Of Latest US Missile Test - Think Tank”,, 20 August 2019

Forum, “Le test d’un missile américain met Moscou et Pékin en colère”, RTS Radio, 20 August 2019

Denis Blin, “Les Etats-Unis font un nouveau pas vers la course aux armements”, Le Temps, 20 August 2019

Fahad Shabbir, "NATO Leak Good Opportunity For EU To Discuss Rationality Of Hosting US Nukes - Think Tank," Urdupoint, 16 July 2019

“Nuclear War Threshold in Europe to Hit Critical Drop If INF Treaty Dies - Think Tank”, Sputnik News, 4 July 2019

Le seuil de la guerre nucléaire en Europe sera dangereusement abaissé”, Sputnik News, 4 July 2019

Séminaire à l’ONU sur l’autonomie territoriale comme moyen de règlement politique des conflits”, Portal Sud Maroc, 2 July 2019

Nations Unies : Mise en exergue de l’initiative marocaine d’autonomie pour le Sahara”, Hespress, 2 July 2019

China Unlikely to Join Multilateral Arms Control Talks Unless Russia, US Curb Arsenals”, Sputnik News, 29 June 2019

United Nations Office at Geneva, “Conference on Disarmament Discussed Negative Security Assurances”, 28 June 2019 (full article)

Chloé Bernadaux, “Pourquoi Khamenei ne s’inspire-t-il pas de la stratégie de Kim Jong-un ?, L’Orient-Le Jour, 27 June 2019

Tout un Monde, “La recette d’un sommet international réussi”, RTS Radio, 1 March 2019

Stéphane Bussard, “Une situation plus dangereuse que durant la guerre froide”, Le Temps, 14 February 2019

Imogen Foulkes, “Peut-on arrêter la nouvelle course aux armements ?”, swissinfo, 12 February 2019

Imogen Foulkes, “Can the City of Peace Stop the Arms Race?”, swissinfo, 11 February 2019

Interview with Marc Finaud”,, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium, Issue No 5, December 2018

Transatlantic differences justify European efforts to become more autonomous: Finaud”, Interview, Mehr Agency, 21 November 2018

Johanne Kalsaas , “Security experts convene at Amman arms control conference”, Jordan Times, 15 November 2018

Forum, “Traité nucléaire dénoncé par les Etats-Unis : Interview de Marc Finaud », RTS, 21 October 2018

Comment les armes chimiques ont servi à Bachar El-Assad pour s’imposer”, Swiss TV RTS, 19 October 2018

EU did not wait for Trump to start building its common security: Former diplomat”, Interview, Tehran Times, 3 September 2018

Daniel Warner, “La Suisse est-elle encore une référence morale et humanitaire?”, swissinfo, 23 August 2018

Daniel Warner, Does Switzerland Still Punch above its Weight Ethically?”, swissinfo, 20 August 2018

Deze Fransman is woedend op Trump en steunt Turkije”, Interview,, 18 August 2018

US growing isolated in international system under Trump”, World Bulletin, 17 August 2018

Frédéric Burnand, “Government’s Stance on Nuclear Ban under Scrutiny”, swissinfo, 17 August 2018

Frédéric Burnand, “Le ‘OUI, mais NON’ de Berne au Traité contre les armes nucléaires”, swissinfo, 16 August 2018

"GE: des pays dénoncent la présidence syrienne de la Conférence du désarmement à l’ONU", RTS 19h30, 29 May 2018

Laurent Sierro (former GCSP Fellow) "Désarmement, La Suisse salue l'agenda du patron de l'ONU", le matin, 24 May 2018

Simon Bradley, “Guterres ‘deeply concerned’ by cancellation of Trump-Kim Summit”, swissinfo, 24 May 2018.

Javad Heirannia, “EU Has Legal Tools to Protect its Companies from U.S. Sanctions: Former French Diplomat”, Tehran Times, 21 May 2018.

Barbara Ciolli, "Nucleare, le bugie dette da Trump nel lasciare l'accordo con l'Iran"Lettera 43, 10 May 2018

Jessica Vial, "L'Iran a intérêt à montrer qu'il joue le jeu de la responsabilité internationale", RTS Radio, 9 May 2018

"USA mettent fin à l'accord sur le nucléaire iranien", Radio Lac, 9 May 2018

Fredy Gsteiger, "Uno-Abrüstungskonferenz unter Syriens Vorsitz?", Play SRF, 30 April 2018

Alain Jourdan, “L’ONU va confier les clés de la Conférence du désarmement à la Syrie”, Tribune de Genève, 17 April 2018

Éanna Kelly, “Scientists Step Up Opposition to EU Funding of Military Research”, Science Business, 12 April 2018

Sisitizo la Iran juu ya udharura wa kuchukuliwa hatua za maana za upokonyaji silaha za nyuklia”, Pars Today, 3 April 2018 (in Swahili).

Alicia Sanders-Zacre, “Diplomats Urge Unity Ahead of NPT Meeting”, Arms Control Association, 1 April 2018

Simon Bradley, “La Suisse peut-elle contribuer à vitaliser la Conférence du désarmement ? ”,, 19 March 2018

Why Switzerland Hasn’t (Yet) Signed the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons”,, 19 March 2018

Sri Lanka’s leadership at the Geneva based Conference on Disarmament commended”, The Sunday Leader, 28 February 2018.

A contragosto dos EUA, ONU lançará campanha pelo desarmamento”, Fato Online, 13 February 2018 (in Portuguese).

Budi Riza, “Sekjen PBB Guterres Bakal Gulirkan Perlucutan Senjata Global?”,, 9 February 2018 (in Indonesian).

Simone Pierrani, “Cosa vuole fare Xi Jinping con le bombe atomiche cinesi”,, 7 February 2018 (in Italian).

"Exclusive: U.N. chief plans major disarmament push but U.S. skeptical", 7 February 2018

Tom Miles, “Exclusive: U.N. Chief Plans Major Disarmament Push but U.S. Skeptical”, Reuters, 7 February 2018

Trump’s Decision on Iran Reflects Compromise between Doves and Hawks”, Sputnik News, 16 October 2017

US to Derail Existing Balance by ‘Decertifying’ Iranian Nuclear Deal”, Sputnik News, 13 October 2017

“Le Prix Nobel de la Paix à ICAN”, Interview," France Info, 6 October 2017

Le Prix Nobel de la Paix à la campagne anti-nucléaire”, Interview, Radio Télévision Suisse, 6 October 2017

Terrorist Attack in Paris”,  Interview, Phoenix TV (Hong Kong), 3 October 2017

“US Withdrawal from Iran Deal to Damage International Nuclear Non-Proliferation”, Sputnik International, 22 Sept. 2017

“UN Nuclear Arms Ban Deal Without Nuclear Powers: Will It Work Out?”, Sputnik International, 22 Sep. 2017

« La France boycotte le traité de l’ONU sur l’abolition des armes nucléaires », Kombini Speech, 11 July 2017

Théo Mercadier, “Francia boicotea el tratado de la ONU sobre la abolición de armas nucleares”, Kombini, 8 July 2017 (in Spanish).

“Die UNO will Atombomben verbieten: Was bringt das – und was tut die Schweiz?“ Aargauer Zeitung, 7 July 2017

“Séminaire international sur le Sahara marocain, la régionalisation et l'autonomie au siège de l’ONU”Atlas Info, 3 July 2017

“Sahara: L’autonomie est un moyen “parfaitement légitime” pour réaliser l’autodétermination (Marc Finaud)”Atlas Info, 4 July 2017

“Des experts internationaux décortiquent l’autonomie de la région du Sahara à la lumière des expériences d’autres pays”Le Matin, 4 July 2017

"Négociations pour la fin des armes nucléaires", La Tribune de Genève, 20 March 2017

"Désarmement : la délicate position  suisse", Le Matin, 20 March 2017

Deux Questions à Marc Finaud” in Désarmement et Non-Prolifération nucléaire – Lettre d’Information parlementaire, Parlementaires pour la non-prolifération et le désarmement nucléaire, No. 20, June 2016

Armes: le commerce de l’hypocrisie”, Amnesty International, 14 June 2016

Sahara. Autonomie: Le Maroc fait du benchmarking à l’ONU”, Le 360, 3 May 2016

Le Maroc organise un séminaire sur les relations extérieures des régions autonomes ”, Le Matin, 3 May 2016

ONU-Sahara : les similitudes du plan marocain avec les expériences d’autres pays”,, 3 May 2016

Le monde est démuni face au chantage nucléaire coréen ”, Le Temps, 6 Jan. 2016

“Woher stammen die Waffen?”, Tachles Magazine (Zurich), 21 August 2015 (in German)

“A quoi ça sert, un traité sur le commerce des armes?”, Interview, swissinfo, 24 August 2015 (in 4 languages)

“La diplomatie en cinq leçons”, Le Temps, 4 August 2015

"Le Maroc organise un séminaire international au siège de l'ONU: Rôle et responsabilités de la société civile dans les régions autonomes", L'Opinion, 3 June 2015

Sean Nevins, "Time is Running out for Israel’s Special Place in America’s Heart", Mint Press News, 3 April 2015

Commentary on Iran's Nuclear Programme, Phoenix Satellite Television, 9 March 2015 

Spotlight: Iran Nuclear Talks Broaden Consensus, New Round Expected in February,  Xinhua News Agency, 18 Janvuary 2015 

Charles Recknagel, Back To The U.S.S.R.? Russia's Year Of Probing NATO, Radio Free Europe-Radio Liberty, 26 December 2014

Ichiro Matsuo, "The US and the Vienna Conference on Nuclear Weapons", Asahi Shimbun, 7 Dec. 2014 (in Japanese)

Gaza, Ukraine: Protecting Civilians is a Sacred Duty, Le Temps, 30 July 2014

L'initiative d'autonomie émanant du Maroc est la seule viable, Le, 1 July 2014

Morocco's Autonomy Plan, A Solution To Artificial Dispute Over Moroccan Sahara, International Expert, Sahara Question, 1 July 2014

L’autonomie, passage obligé pour tout règlement politique du conflit du Sahara Occidental, Plan, 1 July 2014

CRDH: Experts et responsables de CNDH en conclave à New York pour examiner "bonnes pratiques et défis",, 1 July 2014

Geneva-2: Difficult to Expect Conciliation between Syrian Delegations at this Stage, Voice of Russia, 23 Jan. 2014

Iran Nuclear Talks near End in Geneva as Both Sides Stress ‘Major Differences’, Euronews, 26 November 2013

The Thorny Issue of Status of US Forces In Afghanistan, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, 16 Oct. 2013

Nuclear Powers Join UN Disarmament Gathering Despite Early Reservations, Global Security Newswire, 26 Sep. 2013

The Alleged Use of Chemical Weapons in Syria, Radiotelevisione svizzera (RSI) / Telegiornale, 6 May 2013

Le Traité sur le Commerce des Armes, Radio-Cité-Genève, 27 June 2012

Les Métiers de la Coopération Internationale, Fondation Eduki, March 2012

Outlook for Regional WMD-Free Zone Murky, The Jordan Times, 2 December 2011

Iran’s Nuclear Programme Takes Center Stage, World Radio Switzerland, 8 November 2011

Arms Proliferation: Threats and Responses, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala, 10 March 2011

L’équilibre Très Instable de la Terreur, Swissinfo, 4 August 2005


Videos and Podcasts

Podcast with the Henry R. Greenfield Report (USA), "Nuclear Umbrella: Conclusion", Part 2, 16 March 2025 (22'14). 

Podcast with the Henry R. Greenfield Report (USA), "Nuclear Umbrella: Europe's post-Trump Security Dilemma", Part 1, 15 March 2025 (22'15).

Interview to Al Qaheera News (Egypt) on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 8 March 2025 (2'39).

Interview to "Forum", RTS, on European defence and Ukraine, 6 March 2025 (from 14:30 to 24:21).

Interview to Al Ghad TV (Egypt) on the Iranian nuclear programme, 5 March 2025 (from 1:11:47 to 1:12:58 and 1:21:38 to 1:23:54).

Interview to Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) on the Iranian nuclear programme, 14 January 2025 (2'31)

Interview to Forum-RTS TV (Switzerland) on the Geneva talks about Iran's nuclear programme, 13 January 2025 (6'30)

Panel about the situation in Syria on Al Qahera News TV (Egypt), 10 January 2025 (59'37)

Marc Finaud, L'arme nucléaire : éliminons-la avant qu'elle nous élimine, Préface de Paul Quilès, Audio Book on YouTube, 20 December 2024 (12'41)

"La troisième guerre mondiale a-t-elle commencé?", Infrarouge, RTS, 27 November 2024 (8:59 to 11:06, 18:01 to 20:17, 28:10 to 30:07, 48:14 to 50:06)

Interview on prospects for ceasefire in Lebanon, Al Qahera News (Egypt), 26 November 2024 (2'23)

Interview to Al Arabiya (Dubai) on the confrontation between Iran and Israel (from 6'34. total: 13'40), 9 October 2024

Interview to Al Qahera News (Egypt) on Israel's atacks against Lebanon (17'01), 5 October 2024

Interview to QNews (Egypt) on Iran's strike against Israel (3'13), 4 October 2024

Interview on the UK suspensions of arms sales to Israel, AlQahera News (Egypt), 3 September 2024 (in Arabic) ((9'32)

Interview on the US nuclear policy towards China, Asharq News (Dubai), 23 August 2024 (in Arabic) (5'57)

"Quand la Chine s'invite dans le duel nucléaire USA-Russie", Tout un Monde, RTS Radio, 22 August 2024 (19'56)

Interview on Russia's nuclear arsenal, Asharq News (Dubai), 22 June 2024 (6'35) (in Arabic)

Interview on increase of spending for nuclear weapons, RTS Radio, 17 June 2024 (2'26)

Interview on European defence and nuclear weapons, Radio Campus Paris, 28 May 2024 (18:20 to 29:00 and 33:00 to 45:00)

Interview on Russia and global military spending, Asharq News (Dubai), 22 April 2024 (11'55) (in Arabic)

Interview on new sanctions against Iran, RTS Radio, 18 April 2024 ( 1:55 to 3:55)

Interview to RTS Radio ("Le Journal de 6.30" on new sanctions against Iran, 18 April 2024 (from 1:55 to 3:55)

Interview to Asharq News (Dubai) on the failed UK nuclear missile test and on potential Russian antisatellite weapons, 21 February 2024 (5'03)

Interview to Al Qahira News (Cairo) on the arms race and the Middle East conflict, 2 February 2024 (9'27)

Interview to Al Arabiya (Saudi Arabia) on Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus, 17 January 2024  (3'38)

Al-Qahera News TV (Egypt), "Interview on the EU and the Gaza War", 15 December 2023 (4'00)

RTS Radio, "Le salon international du nucléaire réuni à Paris fait la promotion d'une 'énergie d'avenir'" (1'55)

France Culture, "Cultures Monde", "Menace nucléaire : vers la fin de la non-prolifération ?", 1st November 2023, 58'58

Al-Asharq News (Dubai), "Marc Finaud: Russia has made threats of use of nuclear weapons several times", 25 October 2023, 5'33

"Journée internationale contre les essais nucléaires", RTS Radio "La Matinale",  29 August 2023 (1'50)

European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS), "Interview on global and regional security", 28 August 2023 (1'02'20)

Interview on US nuclear submarines in Australia, Al-Qahera News (Cairo), 4 August 2023 (9'35)

Interview on the Vilnius NATO Summit and the Ukraine War, Asharq News (Dubai), 11 July 2023 (9'11)

Interview on cluster munitions in Ukraine, Al-Qahera News (Egypt), 8 July 2023 (from 5'12 - in Arabic)

"Des armes nucléaires tactiques russes déployées en Biélorussie : interview de Marc Finaud", Forum, RTS Radio, 27 May 2023 (5'23)

RTS Radio, "Comment s'organisent les évacuations du Soudan?", Tout un monde, 26 April 2023 (4'50-5'55 and 6'25-7'18) 

Phoenix TV (Hong Kong), "Is the China-Russia Rapprochement the Start of a New World Order", 1 April 2023 (4'30)

"Marc Finaud: Russia's Deployment of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus aims to intimidate Ukraine and warn NATO", Asharq News (Dubai), 25 March 2023 (5'40)   

"Marc Finaud, the trend to escalation in the Russia-Ukraine war is very worrying", Asharq News (Dubai) (in Arabic), 24 February 2023 (5'19)

"Un an de guerre: l'Ukraine, Poutine... et nous: des fronts qui se durcissent et un conflit qui s'enlise", Infrarouge, RTS, 22 February 2023 (24')

"Un an de guerre: l'Ukraine, Poutine... et nous: des scénarios pour la suite du conflit", Infrarouge, RTS, 22 February 2023 (21'23)

"Le Traité New START sur les armements nucléaires est remis en question: interview de Marc Finaud", "Forum", RTS Radio, 12 February 2023 (4'11)

"Le Traité New START est remis en question : interview de Marc Finaud", Forum RTS Radio, 11 February 2023 (4'11)

Interview to AlQahera News (Egypt) on Europe and Ukraine, 3 February 2023 (in Arabic) (7'13)

"L'invité de la Matinale, Marc Finaud, Conseiller en sécurité et désarmement au Centre de Politique de Sécurité de Genève", RTS, 6 January 2023 (17')

"Policy Debate: The Path Forward: Which Role for the EU in the Middle East WMD Free Zone Project?", Vocal Europe, 30 December 2022 (1:16:07)

Debate on nuclear deterrence on Radio France Internationale ("Carrefour de l'Europe"), 4 Dec. 2022 (48'30)

Interview to Algerian Radio ("L'Histoire en Marche") on US-Russian relations, 1st Dec. 2022 (from 33:00 to 41:44)

Interview to RTS Radio ("La Matinale") on the Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention, 30 Nov. 2022 (from 7:30 to 8:49)

Interview to LCI (Paris) on risks of use of chemical weapons in Ukraine, 24 Nov. 2022 (from 1:59:44 to 2:07:58) (9'00)

Interview to France 24 (Paris) on attacks against the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine, 21 Nov. 2002 (4'11)

Vocal Europe, "[Talking Geopolitics] With Marc Finaud on the EU Engagement in the Middle East WMD-free Zone", 27 October 2022 (30'39)

RTS, "Il y a 60 ans, la crise des missiles de Cuba faisait craindre la guerre nucléaire" (2'54), 19 Oct. 2022

"Face aux menaces de Poutine, comment éviter l'escalade?", Forum RTS. 22 September 2022 (24'05)

Interview on the nuclear risk (Ukraine, disarmament, Iran) to Algerian Radio, "L'Histoire en Marche", 15 September 2022 (from 11'45 to 24'43) (in French)

Asharq News (Dubai), "Interview on Russia, the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, and the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant", 29 August 2022 (6'42)

Radio Canada (Montreal), "Entretien sur la centrale de Zaporijjia en Ukraine", 11 August 2022 (not available on line)

Asharq News (Dubai), "Who Threatens the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant: Russia or Ukraine", 10 August 2022 (21'53) 

"Interview on the NPT Review Conference", The UN Brief, 4 August 2022 (17'21)

"Interview sur la Conférence d'examen du TNP", Forum, RTS Radio, 1 August 2022 (4'41)

Julie Gacon, “Le Traité sur l’interdiction des armes nucléaires est-il vain ?”, Les Enjeux internationaux, France Culture, 24 June 2022 (13’)

Asharq TV News (Dubai), “Interview on the nuclear arms race”, 15 June 2022 (4’30)

Pauline Rappaz, “Se dirige-t-on vers une nouvelle ère de réarmement nucléaire”, RTS Radio, 13 June 2022 (1’40)

The War in Ukraine”, interview to SATV (Bangladesh), 11 May 2022 (from 22:06 to 25:54 and 33:07 to 35:38)

Russia’s Nuclear Threats”, interview to Asharq TV (Dubai), 5 May 2021 (in Arabic) (7’10)

The Environmental Effects of Nuclear Weapons”, interview to ‘Reverse the Trend’, 28 April 2022 (from 01:02:18 to 01:30:54)

Philippe Revaz, Interview on the war in Ukraine, Téléjournal 19:30 RTS, 26 April 2022 (3’42)

Patricia Loison, Interview on the war in Ukraine, 11.00pm news, France Info TV, 26 April 2022 (from 00:11:27)

France Culture (radio), “Le désarmement nucléaire a-t-il vécu ? ”, Le Temps du Débat, 6 April 2021 (37’)

Asharq TV News (Dubai), Interview on Russian threats of use of WMD in Ukraine, 28 March 2022 (7’32)

Radio 98.5 (Montreal): “Guerre en Ukraine: Est-ce que la menace nucléaire est bien réelle ?”, 23 March 2022 (10’32)

GCSP, “GCSP Interacts with Partners on Water Security”, 21 March (4’50)

Asharq News (Dubai), “Russian Allegations of Bioweapons in Ukraine” (in Arabic), 16 March 2022 (15’00)

RTS, “La centrale nucléaire accidentée de Tchernobyl privée de courant”, Téléjournal, 9 March 2021 (2’03)

RTS, “40 millions de résistants”, Infrarouge – Soirée spéciale sur l’Ukraine, 9 March 2022 (38:40 to 56 :00)

Maya Plentz, Interview with Marc Finaud”, The UN Brief, 7 March 2022 (18’)

RTS Radio, “L’attaque russe sur la centrale de Zaporojia inquiète l’ONU”, Forum, 4 March 2022 (5’00)

RTS TV1, “Menace nucléaire: Jusqu’où ira-t-il ?”, Infrarouge, 2 March 2022 (60’)

Al-Jazeera English, “Belarus Approves Constitution Change Allowing Russian Nuclear Weapons on its Territory”, 28 February 2022 (5’01)

Susie Ferguson, “Ukraine Invasion: What Nuclear Options Does Russia Have?”, Interview, New Zealand Radio, 28 February 2022 (4’17)

Interview on US-Russia talks about Ukraine”, Asharq News, 11 January 2022 (5’04)

Presentation for NoFirstUseGlobal Launch”, YouTube, 17 July 2021 (2’18)

Désarmement Nucléaire”, interview by Alain Jourdan, YouTube, 5 January 2022 (7’02)

France 24, “Iran Nuclear Talks: To Revive the Deal, the Only Solution Is to Lift All Sanctions”, 29 November 2021 (5’)

Asharq News TV (UAE) , “Interview on antisatellite weapons and the arms race”, 21 November 2021 (3’)

United 2030, Video Interview: “Nuclear Weapons and the SDGs”, 21 September 2021 (from 36’06 to 1’05’15)

Interview: “Prospects for talks on the Iran Nuclear Deal”, Asharq News (Dubai), 13 October 2021 (12’49)

Eric Guevara-Frey, “Discussions sur le nucléaire entre la Russie et les Etats-Unis: interview de Marc Finaud”, RTS Radio, 1st October 2021 (9’13)

Nouvelle rencontre entre Etats-Unis et Russie sur le nucléaire à Genève : interview de Marc Finaud”, RTS Forum, 28 July 2021 (6’00)

Les essais nucléaires français en Algérie : pourquoi la jeunesse doit-elle s’engager sur ce sujet ? ”, ICAN France-NAPF-RTT, 27 July 2021 (from 38’07 to 48’45)

Nuclear Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-proliferation”, NIICE Global Conclave, 26 June 2021 (6’54)

GCSP, “Biden-Putin Summit – GCSP Expert Analysis and Outlook:  Steps Towards Arms Control”, 16 June 2021 (4’01)

RTS, “Sommet Biden-Poutine : les grands dossiers abordés”, 14 June 2021 (3’43)

Swissinfo, “Comment Genève se prépare à accueillir Biden et Poutine”, 11 June 2021 (2’48)

GCSP Podcast, “Weapons Negotiations in the midst of Global Conflict”, 19 May 2021 (26’56)

Iran enriches uranium up to 63%” , Interview to Barshaq News (Dubai), 12 May 2021

Slowing down the arms race: fact or fiction? The truth about disarmament: all you want to know”, Interview to News-Genix (India), 14 April 2021 (40’22)

La guerre du futur”, debate on Radio Campus Paris, 25 March 2021 (60’)

Accord nucléaire : Téhéran réagit aux récentes positions « contreproductives » des USA et du Trio européen, PressTV French, 1 March 2021 (from 2’12 to 3’39)  

New Research Finds France Underestimated the Impact of Nuclear Tests in French Polynesia”, Al Jazeera English,  14 March 2021 (7’00) 

Nucléaire iranien : le chef de l’AIEA visite Téhéran à la veille d’une échéance cruciale, Interview to France 24, 20 Feb. 2021

Géopolitique, le débat - Un tigre de papier, le traité d'interdiction des armes nucléaires?”, Radio France Internationale (RFI), 14 Feb. 2021 (40’)

Interview to Arshaq News (UAE) on Iran”, 6 Feb. 2021 (6’22) (In Arabic)

Léna Ailloud, “Le Traité sur l’interdiction des armes nucléaires”, “Genève internationale”, Radio Cité Genève, 10 Feb. 2021

Le métier de diplomate”, La Genève internationale”, Radio Cité Genève, 29 Jan. 2021

Le grand débat (video) : Armes nucléaires : faut-il vraiment s’en passer ?”, Forum, RTS, 21 Jan. 2021 (22’25)

Prospects of US-Iran Relations, Jame Jam Daily on Instagram, 29 Dec. 2020 (50’46)

Interview on the Iran Nuclear Deal to “Now News Program”,, 11 December 2020 (from 1:18) (in Arabic)

Towards Evidence-based Arms Control and Disarmament”, GCSP-IPU-Small Arms Survey, Geneva Peace Week 2020

Interview by Press TV (Iran) in French, 10 Oct. 2020

Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity”, GCSP, 7 September 2020

Interview to Tawadh Forum (India): “The Cold War Mentality in International Relations”,  2 August 2020 (59’13)

Confrontation nucléaire”, Géopolitis, RTS, 7 June 2020 (26’)

Interview with Marc Finaud: India’s Non-proliferation Approach and the Future of Global Security Policy”, Internationalism Editorials, 16 May 2020 (1’17’50)

Les Etats-Unis ont-ils peur des armes iraniennes ? ”, PressTV, 4 May 2020 (6’03’)

“Iran, COVID-19 and the JCPOA”, GCSP Webinar Series on “ Global Crisis, Global Risk, Global Consequences”, 30 April 2020 (6’16)

Youth Voices on Climate Change and International Security”, Basel Peace Office, 11 January 2020 (1’57)

La France est-elle en droit de demander à l’Iran de renoncer à son programme balistique?”, Press TV-French, 18 December 2019

RTS, Forum, “L’Iran affirme produire désormais cinq kilos d’uranium enrichi par jour : interview de Marc Finaud”, 5 November 2019

Coalition anti-iranienne, plan mort-né de Londres ?”, PressTV, 29 July 2019

"L'enjeu politique derrière les sanctions économiques", CGTN-Français, 29 Aug 2018

"Interview about US sanctions against Iran, Russia, Europe, etc", Phoenix TV (Hong Kong), 24 Aug 2018

"Ex-French diplomat slams Trump's Turkey policy", Anadolu Agency, 16 Aug 2018

"Rétablissement des sanctions de Donald Trump envers l'Iran", CGTN-français, 12 Aug 2018

"Interview par CGTN-Français sur le retrait américain de l’accord sur l’Iran" (in French), 19 May 2018

"Interview for Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) on the Iran Nuclear Deal" Phoenix Hong Kong TV, 10 May 2018

“Armes chimiques :Tolérance Zéro : Marc Finaud Interviewé sur RTS”, Géopolitis, RTS, 7 May 2018

"Armes chimiques, tolérance zéro", Géopolitis, RTS, 6 May 2018 (in French).

“Conférence du Désarmement à Genève : Marc Finaud était invité dans l’édition du 64’ sur TV5”, 26 March 2018

"Interview for Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) about the Gulf Diplomacy Crisis", 7 June 2017

"Interview for Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) about the NPT Conference in Vienna", 13 May 2017

"Interview for Phoenix TV (Hong Kong) about the Paris attack of 20 April 2017", 23 April 2017

“Arms Trade, Peacebuilding, and the Importance of the ATT”, interview by Bulan Institute, 20 March 2017

RTS: "70 ans après Hiroshima, certains experts avancent d’autres raisons pour la fin du conflit", 6 August 2015

Phoenix TV: "Devil is in the Details: GCSP Expert Marc Finaud on Iran Nuclear Talks", 5 July 2015

Intervention lors du premier panel de la conférence internationale « Vers un monde sans armes nucléaires » , sur le thème du développement de l'arme nucléaire depuis 1945, Paris, 26 juin 2014

The Middle East: Present Political Situation, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala, 10 March 2011