Team Argonauts from ETH Zürich Wins the 7th European Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge

Team Argonauts from ETH Zürich Wins the 7th European Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge
Team Argonauts from ETH Zürich is the winner of the 2021 “Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge”
Team "Argonauts" from ETH Zürich are the winners of the 2021 “Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge” co-organised by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Atlantic Council.
This two-day virtual event ran from 11th-12th May 2021. The competition welcomed 24 teams, consisting of four students each. Our competitors were from a diverse range of countries varying from the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States, and for the first time, we were pleased to welcome a team from Chile.
Finalists included:
- Team Tal-Nups, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia and National University of Public Service, Hungary (2nd place);
- Team Adrian’s Apostles, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (3rd place)
- Team Universal State, Stockholm University, Sweden (4th place)
In its seventh year, the competition invited university students to tackle a simulated cyber incident in real time. This year, the challenge’s scenario was based on a cyber incident affecting pan-European healthcare infrastructure. Teams were required to respond to ever-changing situations and offer strategic policy recommendations, from a European point of view, to heads of state, government leaders, senior officials and representatives from the private sector. Escalating cyber activities, infrastructure failures and tensions between States kept teams on their toes for two full days.
Other awards included:
- Most Creative Response: Team UPS I Did It Again, National University of Public Service, Hungary
- Best Teamwork Award: Team Hoya Haxa, Georgetown University, USA
- Best Oral Presentation: Team Nimbus, Erasmus Mundus International Master's Intelligence, Security and Strategic Studies, UK
- Best Decision Document: Team IHEID & Seek, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
The judges featured prominent personalities in the field of cyber security and included:
- Mr Mirza Ulugbek Abdullaev, Politico-Military Dimension / National Project Officer, OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan
- Mr Arnold Abraham, Principal Attorney, The CyberLaw Group
- Ms Audrey Adams, Cross-Cutting Priority Director, MITRE
- Mr Robin Andreasson, Senior Cyber Security Consultant, KPMG Sweden
- Dr Christopher Ankersen, Clinical Associate Professor, NYU Center for Global Affairs
- Ms Clare El Azebbi, Head of Cyber Resilience Unit, Scottish Government
- Ms Sarah Backman, Cyber Security Consultant /PhD-student, Secana/Stockholm University
- Dr Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Senior Lecturer and Deputy for Research and Teaching, ETH Centre for Security Studies
- Dr Rafik Chaabouni, Cyber Security Architect, Swiss Armed Forces
- Mr Dimitri Chichlo, Founder and President, AndSecure
- Mr Serge Droz, Chair, FIRST (Forum for Incident Response and Security Teams)
- Ms Safa Shahwan Edwards, Deputy Director, Cyber Statecraft Initiative, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, Atlantic Council
- Ms Kristin Esbeck. Cyber Threat Intelligence Capability Area Lead, MITRE
- Mr Simone Fortin Head of Cyber Security, MSC Cruises and Executive-in-Residence GCSP Global Fellowship Initiative
- Dr Luca Gambazzi, Senior Scientific Project Manager, Cyber Defence Campus
- Mr Henri Haenni, CEO, Abilene Advisors
- Mr Marc Henauer, Head of Unit, National Cyber Security Center NCSC CH
- Mr Alexis Hirschhorn, Partner, CISO and Senior Security Advisor, Abilene Advisors
- Mr Torsten Juengling, General Manager, BT Security
- Dr Camino Kavanagh, Senior Visiting Fellow/ Member of Advisory Support team to the UN OEWG and UN GGE, King’s College London / United Nations
- Ms Aglika Klayn, Specialist / J-CAT Coordinator, Europol – European Cybercrime Centre
- Prof Stewart Kowalski, Professor of Information Security, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Dr Joanna Kulesza, Professor of International Law and Internet Governance, University of Lodz
- Prof Martti Lehto, Professor in Cyber Security, University of Jyväskylä
- Ms Limor Shmerling Magazanik, Managing Director, Israel Tech Policy Institute
- Mr Jamie Meighan, Wing Commander, British Royal Air Force
- Mr Inge Oystein Moen, Senior Advisor, NTNU Center for Cyber & Information Security
- Dr Lars Nicander, Director, Swedish Defence University / CATS
- Ms Katie Nickels, Director of Intelligence, Red Canary
- Ms Dixie O’Donnell, Global Incident Manager, Google
- Ms Grethe Østby, PhD Candidate, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Dr Anna-Maria Osula, Senior Policy Officer at Guardtime and Senior Researcher at Tallin University of Technology
- Ms Lennig Pedron, Co-founder and President/ Digital Trust and Cyber Security Advisor, ICON
- Ms Nathalie Van Raemdonk, Doctoral Researcher, Vrije Universiteit Brussels
- Dr David Rubens, Executive Director, Institute of Strategic Risk Management
- Mr Daniel Seiler, Deputy Head, Office of the Special Envoy for Cyber Foreign and Security Policy, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
- Ms Chelsey Slack , Deputy Head of Cyber Defence NATO
- Mr Nicolas Tinguely, Director, Cyber Security Services, Head of Incident Response and Crisis Management, KPMG
- Ms Yanya Viskovich, Chair, Cyber Risk and Law Working Group, Swiss Cyber Forum
- Mr Bastien Wanner, PhD Candidate, University of Lausanne
One of the judge’s for the Semi-Finals, Ms Yanya Viskovich, Chair, Cyber Risk & Governance Working Group, Swiss Cyber Forum, Cybersecurity & Data Protection Ethical Specialist reflected on the competition by saying:
“Cyber incidents today are multifacted and dynamic, requiring policy approaches and solutions that are cross-disciplinary, creative, and diverse.
Cyber security is as much about people as it is about technology, so we need to ask not just what we can do technically speaking, or what we must do from a legal perspective, but also what we should do from an ethical vantage point.
It is encouraging to see the Cyber 9/12 competition participants grappling with cybersecurity’s multi-disciplinary facets.”
Presiding over the awards ceremony and announcing the winner was Dr Trey Herr, Director of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative at the Atlantic Council and Dr Robert Dewar, Head of Cyber Security at the GCSP and Director of the Geneva Competition.
Listed below are the 24 teams that participated this year:
- Team Argonauts, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Team Tal-Nups, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia and National University of Public Service, Hungary
- Team Adrian’s Apostles, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Team Universal State, Stockholm University, Sweden
- Team Deep State Machine 5, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Team Everything Blue, Old Dominion University, USA
- Team Hoya Haxa, Georgetown University, USA
- Team Ursa Major, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Team The Southern Condors, Chilean Naval War College, Chile
- Team Cybertarians, Masaryk University, Czech Republic
- Team Nordic Cyber Rangers, Norwegian University of Science and Technology and University of Oslo, Norway
- Team Kelpies, University of Glasgow, UK
- Team Swiss APT, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Team CyberQCL, King’s College London, UK
- Team CS Guards, Leiden University, the Netherlands
- Team Ring on Fire, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Team AU Cybernauts, American University, USA
- Team Grey Hawks, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Team FIU Panthers, Florida International University, USA
- Team IHEID & Seek, The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland
- Team Nimbus, International Master Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies, UK
- Team Proxies; University of Oxford and London School of Economics, United Kingdom
- Team UPS I Did It Again, National University of Public Service, Hungary
- Team 2020 Heinzsight, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
“The Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge in Geneva has gone from strength to strength. In our second year as a fully virtual competition, we challenged teams from around the world to work through a really tricky scenario, one which, while fictional, is not beyond the realms of possibility.
We were also really luck to welcome teams from well beyond Europe this year, reflecting our goal of making the Geneva competition a truly global event. Thank you to all the teams and judges who helped make this another successful competition, and well done to Team Argonauts for a well-deserved win” says Dr Robert Dewar, Director of the Geneva leg of the Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge and Head of Cyber Security at the GCSP.
The GCSP thanks all the sponsors the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, US Mission in Geneva, Cyber Law International that made this seventh edition of the European Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge a success and looks forward to welcoming many of you in 2022!