GCSP Annual Report 2020

GCSP Annual Report 2020
Transformative Journeys to Create a Safer World
The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) presents its 2020 Annual Report. For 25 years, the GCSP has been equipping policymakers and executives with the skills to develop forward-thinking and innovative solutions to deal with an ever-changing security landscape.
In this report, we have highlighted the Centre's accomplishments and activities in 2020 that helped to advance our vision of a safer world. Highlights include the following:
- Becoming a fully virtual centre as a solution to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic
- Celebrating 25 years of engaging in peace and security
“2020 will certainly go down in history as the year of COVID-19 – a year during which humankind was confronted with a huge global threat and experienced devastating infection rates and losses of life similar to those during the pandemics of past centuries like the Black Death and Spanish Flu. But, unlike the plagues of the past, it was also a year during which humanity showed an unprecedented capacity to react quickly and effectively: within months, several vaccines were in mass production; automation and the internet had made extended lockdowns viable; and most governments took the bold decisions needed to save the world economy from collapse,” says Ambassador Jean-David Levitte, GCSP Foundation Council President.