Shaping the Cyber Future
This panel seeks to raise awareness of the need to think holistically about cyber security beyond technical and legal issues. Panelists will examine the unconventional consequences of disinformation on civic discourse and its direct impact on society. This is important in today’s digital world because internet-connected technologies touch every aspect of modern life and can be enhanced or degraded depending on the use or abuse of information and communication technologies.
The current upheaval in geopolitics and rapid technological advancement give us the opportunity to think outside established norms and imagine different potential trajectories that were unthinkable just five years ago. Decisions made today will affect how societies and technology evolve creating unforeseen ethical, political, and social challenges.
■ Dr Thomas Philbeck, Head of Science and Technology Studies, World Economic Forum
■ Ms Dixie O’Donnell, Cyber Security Fellow, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
■ Dr Robert Dewar, Head of Cyber Security, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
A light buffet lunch will be provided.