*This interview was recorded on 1 May 2020
Ms Emily Munro, Head of Strategic Anticipation at the GCSP discusses a Strategic Security Analysis that she published on "Strengthening Prevention with Better Anticipation: COVID-19 and Beyond" where she looks at 3 different case studies: the Sahel, the Arctice and COVID-19.
Her publication is available on the GCSP website here: https://www.gcsp.ch/publications/strengthening-prevention-better-anticipation-covid-19-and-beyond
Discover more about Strategic Anticipation at the GCSP: https://www.gcsp.ch/topics/strategic-anticipation
Sign up for the upcoming Strategic Foresight: Tools and Techniques for Planning in Uncertain Times virtual learning journey directed by Ms Munro: https://www.gcsp.ch/courses/strategic-foresight-planning-impact-uncertain-times
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