Security and Law: A Reality Check
Ms Ashley Müller: Hello and thank you for tuning into today! Welcome to the introduction episode of this mini-series on Responsibility to Protect Revisited, part of the Geneva Centre for Security Policy’s special 25th Anniversary podcast series. I am your host Ashley Müller.
This 3-part mini-series features one of the inventing fathers of Responsibility to Protect, also known as R2P, Professor Honourable Gareth Evans.
Gareth Evans was the co-chair of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, which introduced the R2P doctrine to the international relations arena. Since then he has led the effort to overcome the conceptual, institutional and political challenges that need to be met to translate R2P into effective action.
Our Head of Security and Law Programme, Mr Tobias Vestner, sits down with him at one of our previous GCSP Reality Check public discussions.
Episode 1 of this mini series takes stock of R2P. Episode 2 looks at use of force and responsibility while protecting. Episode 3 discusses strategies for prevention, a plea for mitigation and gives an optimistic call to action for R2P.
Join Tobias and Gareth for this important mini-series.
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