In a world where power politics take precedence over negotiation, there is a need to keep discussion channels open. Between armed forces, cultures, and regions.
The Defence and Diplomacy Cluster contributes to creating a secure, stable and prosperous environment by building and maintaining trust between friendly armed forces and countries. We contribute to setting the scene for a transformed relationship between defence and diplomacy. We are recognized as an impartially inclusive partner.
There is a need to create more meaningful impact through defence and diplomacy initiatives, which must be applied together with comprehensive governance, development and dialog. Therefore, the role of diplomats, military officers and senior officials involved in defence and diplomacy is important, challenging and manifold.
Our Defence Attaché (DA) Orientation Courses for Military Officers, Diplomats and Senior Defence Officials have been offered for more than a decade. They provide Defence Officials with a strong basis for their future professional challenges in a multinational environment. They are part of a wider strategic cooperation between the Swiss Armed Forces and the GCSP. We deliver those courses in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
High ranking military officers meet at the Annual Senior Officers Seminar for Flag Officers (ASOS) . They discuss and share their assessment on selected global topics their opinions with high level experts - a unique opportunity for professional development and networking. We have organized the ASOS since 2007, which is funded by the Swiss Government in the context of the Partnership for Peace (PfP).
For more than 20 years, we have provided Swiss and foreign military personal with bespoke courses. You can also enjoy similar trainings. Highly successful and based on The GCSP Way, they offer you a unique opportunity for exchange and networking with representatives from International Geneva. Expert seminars help you better understand the world and its challenging dynamics.
We welcome you to our DA courses and to the ASOS. We have partnered with governments and international organisations to develop skills, enhance knowledge and challenge bias to advance dialogue, partnership and, cooperation, as well as to develop understanding between cultures and institutions.