Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge 2017
And the winner is...Team STUXNET from the Geneva School of Diplomacy!
Team STUXNET from the Geneva School of Diplomacy, in Switzerland is the winner of the 2017 “Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge” co-hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Atlantic Council.
The two-day event, which ran from 20-21 April at the GCSP in the Maison de la paix, welcomed 24 teams from Europe, North America and Asia. Finalists included: Team “Finland” from Jyväskylä University in Finland (4th Place); “Crisis Management Group (CCMG)” from Swedish Defense University in Sweden (3rd Place); and Team “Keep Calm and Cyber On” from Air University in the United States (2nd Place).
What is the Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge?
We frequently hear the terms “Cyber 9/11” and “Digital Pearl Harbor,” but what might policymakers do the day after a crisis?
In the Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge, students work in teams of four to tackle a major cyberattack, respond to evolving situations, and develop policy recommendations. Hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) and the Atlantic Council, the 9/12 Cyber Student Challenge is a one-of-a-kind competition designed to provide students across academic disciplines with a deeper understanding of the policy challenges associated with cyber crisis and conflict.
How to Support and Sponsor
The Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge presents a prime opportunity for companies to engage with top policy and technical talent from around the world. We are looking for sponsors who share our goal of fostering an extraordinary pool of talent in cyberspace and shape the next generation of policymakers around the globe.
We offer multiple options partnership and benefit levels – ranging from €35,000 for global partnership sponsors to €5,000 for Silver sponsors. In recognition of your support, we will provide you and your company visibility and the opportunity to engage in the competition. We also welcome targeted contributions in support of specific parts of the competition, such as the awards ceremony and reception. To become a sponsor for 2018, please contact Mr Aapo Cederberg.
Watch How You Can Support This Event:
In addition to the competition in Geneva, Switzerland, the Atlantic Council hosts the US Cyber 9/12 Student Challenge in Washington, DC on 17-18 March 2017, and will hold the first-ever Asia-Pacific competition in Sydney, Australia in September 2017.